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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

Posts : 319
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Age : 36
Location : Kirigakure no Sato

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 4:27 pm

Senko shrugged a little, "Well even if I am more dangerous than you, no on else knows that. I can suppress my chakra pretty well. I'm pretty good at evasion and infiltration when I need to be. PLUS! I'm only a genin as well. Sooooo we should be all good." Senko really didn't care for the idea of trying to get to know another medical nin, especially one that might be more willing to poke and prod him. And he knew that deep down if one tried, he'd probably end up trying to kill them. Obviously he wouldn't be accepted into a village if he tried to kill off a valuable member of that villages medical team. Senko's chin was brought down onto the palms of his hands as he rested his elbows on the table, thinking.

"Hmm, maybe it'd be smarter if I just waited outside of the village until I can get an audience with the Mizukage." His eyes slid closed as a yawn escaped from his lips. Was he really a rouge ninja? There were some exceptional circumstances leading to Senko being villageless. "Maybe I can say I'm a traveling merchant? Post up in a hotel for a couple days........ that requires money." Senko sighed again running through his options.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 4:37 pm

"Like I said, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try. At worst they can do is say no, I suppose." She eyed him for a moment, before slumping forward a bit. "Perhaps we can make it work." She tapped her lips with a finger for a brief moment, before she moved to stand, dropping some bills onto the table to pay for their meal. "As for your merchant idea, probably wouldn't go over very well. You don't have many wares, do you? So that falls through."

She pondered for a moment herself, before she sighed. "Well, since Aoiro isn't with us, it will be more difficult. But, you obviously didn't come here with intent ot slaughter us, or you'd have already started. That's one point for you, I guess." Rin moved away from the table and out the door of the restaurant, back into the street as she eyed the buildings for a moment.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Age : 36
Location : Kirigakure no Sato

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 4:44 pm

Senko blinked as he stood up, thanked the server, and walked out following Rin. "Well I mean I have ninja tools that I can sell. I could make up a story that I was ambushed by some bandits and lost most of my merchandise and so I came here to sell whatever I have left before heading home.... which is... uh somewhere." Senko's hands made their way into his pockets as his head dropped down. "I mean those Jonin did let me in so that should count for something." A sigh escaped, this was frustrating.

His gaze then shifted over to Rin as he tapped his foot on the ground. "Well you're obviously highly intelligent, what plans do you have? Surely you can come up with something better than me." His tongue ran along his gum line pushing his lips outwards a little. He was full, but he was tired, and he didn't feel like thinking about the situation anymore. "Hey if I stab myself in the shoulder can I spend the night in the clinic?" He wasn't too serious about the question, rather he was just throwing out any option that popped into his mind.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Age : 35
Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 5:04 pm

"Oh yeah, that's a good idea." Rin snorted softly at his mention of stabbing himself in the shoulder. "If you promise to be quiet, you can spend the night in the clinic. We'll tell Mizukage that you were found in the surrounding area, which is true, and that you asked for assistance. That should suffice for the time being. All you wanted was a meal and a place to stay for the night, or a few nights, then you'd be on your way." She nodded to this, and then turned to eye him for a moment. "But...well, in all honesty, I'm sure it can wait until morning. It's not like anything dire is going to happen in the meantime, I hope."

That, and she wasn't particularly fond of standing up in front of the Mizukage. However, she moved towards the tower, and motioned for Senko to follow her. They were stopped at the stairs to the compound, and a tall, lanky, blonde haired man stopped them, his silver eyes glancing them over before he offered a smile to Rin. "Suzume, what brings you here?" Rin shifted slightly, before responding.

"Ah, Isamu-sama. I thought the Mizukage would like to be informed of a visitor that has come into the village." The man rose a brow, peering at Senko for a brief moment.

"Is he another nin?" Rin shifted, not sure how to answer that.

"Isamu-sama, he has requested only to be allowed to stay a few nights, and then go from there. Would that be alright?" Evasion, for the win. The man shrugged a bit, and smiled once more.

"Don't see why not. I'm assuming he's with you, or will be within an area of your knowledge. That's fine, for now, since Mizukage is out, we will bring this up with him later if we have a need, but for now, it's fine." Rin was so glad that Isamu was extremely laid back, but that demeanor didn't fool anyone at how powerful the man was. She gave a smile, grabbed ahold of Senko, and darted from the tower. "Much easier than expected."
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Location : Kirigakure no Sato

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 5:11 pm

Senko had followed Rin to a tower, he had assumed it to be the Mizukage's, where he found himself standing in front of what appeared to be a Jonin. He simply kept quite as Rin and the man exchanged several words, he seemed pleasant enough. Before Senko was given the chance to add anything to the conversation his hand was suddenly grabbed and he was half drug off by a darting kunoichi. "Where are we off too?" His form struggled to gain balance as he kept up with the female. His gaze shifting to the ground in time to see a stone sitting slightly higher tha the rest of the road. Unfortunately he hadn't seen it soon enough. His foot caught the rock and his form went plummeting forward, his head hitting the ground hard, so hard in fact that his skull actually bounced up, his neck snapping backwards before his face came to lay against the cool surface. "Ouch."

He wasn't sure if Rin went down with him, but his head definitely felt like shit. "By the way, nice evasive tactics there... now if only you could use them to avoid rocks."
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 5:20 pm

"Back to the clinic, unless there's somewhere else you wanted to go?" She paused, slowing in her movement away from the tower before she turned as she felt his form jerk on her arm, and she dropped to a knee with his sudden descent, but did not go down as far as he did. Surprise etched her features. He tripped over a rock? A ninja...tripped over a rock. Awesome.

However, she immediately moved back, and let her hands move to his head, prodding at him a bit. "I managed to avoid the rock, it's not my fault you can't walk." She scoffed at him, before emitting a soft chakra from her hands. "You're a handful, I can tell already." She eased the pain in his head, and moved down his neck to ensure that nothing there had been damaged. "And I have a feeling you'll likely run me to exhaustion, or homicidal tendencies."
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Age : 36
Location : Kirigakure no Sato

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 5:29 pm

Senko waited until she was done and then rolled onto his back looking up at the twilight sky. The sun was setting, he could see a couple bright stars in the sky, and the moon was starting to rise. His pupils moved slowly as he scanned over horizon before something caught his attention. He could swear he heard massive wings flapping, and in front of the setting sun... was that the silhouette of a giant bat? Senko could feel portions of the seal on his back heating up. "Oh..... Yasha. That's not good."

His attention returned to reality as he slowly came to stand up. "Thank you very much Rin, the clinic sounds like a marvelously idea, and I do believe we should get there hastily." His form was already moving forward towards where he thought the clinic might have been, but he wasn't 100% positive.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Age : 35
Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 5:44 pm

"Yasha?" There was question in Rin's voice, but she didn't get a chance to say much else as Senko mentioned heading inside, and quickly. Raising a brow to this, she tugged at his shirt, motioning for him to follow her. He was already on the right path, though, and that was always a good start. It took them a few moments to cross the distance to the clinic, but once they were inside, Rin locked the door and turned on only a few lights closer to the back, so as not to disturb those that were still resting. She had noticed that a few had gone home, however, and she smiled to herself when she noticed that the little girl's bed was empty. Good, it meant that she had gone home as well.

Rin led Senko into a back room, it was a small space, but it had a bed and a light. The closet in the hallway had sheets, pillows, and blankets, and she set to making the bed, before motioning. "You can sleep here for the night, until we find more...agreeable arrangements."
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Location : Kirigakure no Sato

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 5:55 pm

"Senko followed the other into the building, his form quickly slipping to the back room. His gaze falling upon the bed, his hand sliding out as he placed it in front of Rin stopping her from making the bed. "That's not necessary, you've don't a lot for me. You don't need to make a bed up, I can do that myself. I suspect I'll see you in the morning then?" Senko's hands we now busy maneuvering the sheets under the mattress tucking them in nice and tight. He could still hear the beating of wings in his mind, and he was pretty sure that there was a very pissed off demon about to have a chat with him. It would be best for Rin to not be involved in the situation.

"Once more, thank you for all of your help Rin Suzume of Kirigakure, I assure you that I am in your debt and will find someway to repay you for your kindness. I take back the cruelties that I said about your character before. You are truly a kind and sweet person. Now if you will, I require some rest, today has been a very taxing and I suspect that tomorrow shall have its own set of challenges and thrills." Senko gave a quick and shallow bow before prepping for bed. His boots would be removed, the outer shirt removed, the under shirt removed, and the scarf would be grasped and wrapped around his right hand. His form would then fall to the bed as he brought his legs up, crossing them. His back pushing up against the wall as he closed his eyes. Now it seemed that the waiting game had begun. Hopefully whatever was to happen, would happen after Rin had left the building.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 6:23 pm

As Senko stopped her from making the bed, she rose a brow, but backed away. "Yes, in the morning. Ah, but Senko..." He cut her off with his words, and she knew a dismissal when she heard one, though it caused her to raise a brow. His demeanor had changed again, and it was...frustrating, to say the least. "It's just Rin, Senko." She scowled at his use of her full name AND village once more, but as he started removing articles of clothing, she flushed and promptly left the room.

A quick round was made, and she left the clinic to advance to her own home. There, her parents, though in coma's, awaited her. After tending to their needs as well, and ensuring that their bodies were taken care of, did Rin allow herself to relax. She dressed for bed, placing the katana on the bedside table, before crawling into her own blankets, and snuggling down into them. Though sleep did not come so easily, for the information in her brain was overflowing, and she set to attempting to sort it out. After a few moments without the desire to sleep, she rose and began scribbling on some blank scrolls she had, drawing up diagrams and noting particular things that stuck out in her mind from her conversation with Senko earlier.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Location : Kirigakure no Sato

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 6:47 pm

Senko's eyes remained closed but he could feel the light of the world fading away. Fear began to grip at his heart, he could feel his muscles tensing before becoming almost completely paralyzed. Senko could feel the weight of the world on his shoulders, and he was sure that she was there. His eyes opened as he found his pupils falling upon Yasha's shadowy figure posted up in a corner.


Senko did his best to muster up a smile, even though he was terrified. "Ah Yasha, it has been awhile, what brings you here?"

"Seeeeeeeeeeeenko, you didn't meet your quota."

"Ah, yes well I suppose I didn't. I don't suppose you'd be willing to give me a couple days?"

"No my little soulless child, sadly I am not willing to give you anything. All that potential you had, but now I'm going to have to consume you."

A sigh escaped Senko's lips as he closed his eyes, "I see, I was afraid you were going to say something like that. I don't suppose there is anything I can do to change your mind?"

Yasha's form stepped from the shadows and made its way over to Senko, her mouth opening revealing the rows of fangs. "Unfortunately little one, a deal is a deal." A clawed hand made its way from the cover of her wings and pushed up against his neck, her nails running along the veins in his neck, tracing them.

Senko's eyes bolted open as his left arm launched out defying Yasha's hold over him. His palm striking her wrist as a burst of chakra traveled through it causing her entire arm to go flying back. Yasha took several steps back distancing herself from him, a low hiss resonating from her vocals. Senko slowly came to stand up as the scarf unfolded from his arm, chakra flowing through it activating the summoning seal within it. A poof of smoke would burst from it, and as it cleared away senko would be holding the Marquis.

"Ahhh I see you've improved your dexterity, but it will do you little good." Yasha's wings would spread revealing her other limb which grasped the same cursed blade she had given him. An ultrasonic screech erupting from her lips. The screech matching the frequency of the water in his body inducing paralysis.

Senko tried to move but couldn't, his internals burnt, as if napalm had been lit on top of all of his muscles and organs. As Yasha made her approach again Senko acted on the only ability he had that he knew might work. With no warning he released his spiritual energy, a massive wave of spiritual pressure rushing out around him. Immediately Yasha was forced to a knee and her screech stopped. Knowing that it was only a small window Senko darted forward bringing the massive scythe swinging down upon her head. Yasha brought the blade up using it to deflect the blow from the scythe. Her form suddenly jumping out as she lashed out with her other hand. Senko shifted his left hand as the marquis responded by elongating and bending its form, the butt of the staff brought into Yasha's palm stopping the incoming attack, a second blade suddenly shooting from the hilt and piercing her flesh.

Yasha jumped back screeching in pain, "NO ONE MAKES ME BLEED!" Her form suddenly vanished into the shadows. Senko blinked immediately recognizing the technique, and with a simple guess, spun around swinging the scythe horizontally. As he had guessed Yasha reappeared behind him, and to her surprise was met by a scythe blade that cleaved her in two. Almost immediately her form turned to ash, and as it did so the ashes danced up into the air and were assimilated by the scythe. Senko looked down at the cursed blade that lay where yasha had fallen. Without little thought he drove the tip of the scythe down vertically driving it through the cursed object. The Marquis began to glow bright green and as it did so the cursed blade matched the glow..... and then vanished.

"Well.... so much for that." Senko withdrew his chakra from the weapon, which resulted in another poof of smoke and the red scarf reappearing. Tossing the object next to his clothing Senko looked at the bed, fell forward, and immediately went to sleep, exhausted.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Join date : 2010-07-30
Age : 35
Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 7:08 pm

Rin had hardly slept at all through the night, and it was quite obvious by the dark circles that hung beneath her optics the next morning. But still she rose, grabbing up her scrolls and diagrams, and shoving them into a backpack. She believed she had gotten the majority of the art of converting down, at least on paper, now it was time to test whether or not it could actually be accomplished. The mechanics were simple enough, to remove the chakra from another person, and infuse it with an amount of your own. The key would be to not use too much chakra, or engulf yourself in it, and that would be bad. The other key would be not to use too little, or the other chakra might actually overtake the system and burn the chakra channels within, leaving the nin completely incapable of using chakra at all for a great amount of time.

Once she had taken care of her parents, she lifted the backpack to her back and started towards the Clinic. The sun was barely over the horizon as she unlocked the door to the clinic. Allowing the backpack to slide from her persona and onto the floor, the kunoichi moved about the room, tending to the last of her patients, most of them being sent out the door only moments after she arrived. Only one patient remained in the far corner, a badly burned nin who had come to them several weeks ago. He was nearly healed, but there were still a few things that needed to be done before he could leave. After preparing a pot of tea, and a very basic breakfast, she knocked on the door of the room where Senko would be sleeping. "Hey, breakfast is ready..." If anything would wake him up, that would be the most likely.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Location : Kirigakure no Sato

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 7:32 pm

Senko slowly rose from the bed and stumbled over to the door, his left hand brushing against his eyes removing the sleep. His hand pressed gently against the door as he slid it open, a yawn escaping his lips as he gaze fell upon Rin. Though he only wore pants he seemed to not notice, rather his attention was drawn by the word breakfast. His eyes remained half way opened as he brought his free hand running through his hair, scratching his head. "Breakfast?" He murmured. While he wasn't starving there was always room for food.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 7:38 pm

Rin coughed as the door slid open, and despite being a medic-nin, she had the decency to blush, and averted her gaze. "Yes, breakfast. Put on some clothes, and you can eat." Which would give Senko the impression that she had no intention of feeding him unless he did put on at least a shirt.

That being said, she moved away from the door, assuming he would do as told, and then follow her. The breakfast was nothing fancy, some eggs and a sandwich, but it would do to put something in his stomach for the time being. Having already eaten, Rin was content to leave his plate sitting on the edge of the desk as she pulled a stack of papers from it, scribbling across them before replacing them within the desk. Patient papers signifying that they had been released. Later, she'd give them to one of the other nin to deliver to the tower. Or she might deliver them herself, she wasn't sure just yet.

However, she had a question for Senko, and once he'd come out, she'd pose it. "Would you be opposed to assisting me with something, later? I think I figured out a way to make two chakra's work in a regular body, but I need to ...test it, in order to make sure that my calculations and theories are correct. There's no harm to you, I promise, aside from the loss of a very small amount of chakra."
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Location : Kirigakure no Sato

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 7:51 pm

Senko had failed to realize that he was shirtless, and giving a sheepish nod, found himself slowly dragging his feet over towards the remainder of his clothing. Item by item he'd place everything back on before turning his attention to the bed. "I suppose I should mind my manners." The bed would be stripped, the sheets folded and the pillow placed on top, his form then shifting as he made his way out of the room and over to the desk where he proceeded to scarf down the food. His gaze shifting to the other before nodding, "Sure, I'll help you, it is the least I can do for all that you've done for me."

Senko's form twisted as he began to stretch out, his gaze shifting around as made sure there were no obvious signs of damage from the fight last night. Everything seemed to check out, and Rin seemed to make no mention of something being at of place. In fact none of the patients had complained of noise..... which meant everything should be good. "So Rin Suzume of Kirgakure, give me the details?"
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 7:57 pm

"It's just Rin!" She huffed at him. "Stop putting my village after my name." She eyed him for a moment, before she grabbed the pack that was sitting next to the desk, pulling it beside her form before withdrawing the scrolls. Laying them out along the desk, she motioned to the diagrams she had drawn about how the chakra was of one type, and would need to be converted to another for a person to use it.

"Essentially, bodies are only built to endure one type of chakra. You, however, have three, and your body is stable...or appears to be so despite that. We have a technique that allows us to draw out chakra from our opponents, but nothing can be done with it. Essentially, it's wasted because it can't be used because it conflicts with the energies of our own bodies. That chakra, if my theory proves correct, when infused with the correct amount of your own, should convert itself and thus becomes able to be drawn into the body as if it were your own chakra."

Fingers slid over the diagram, pointing at a calculation. "The trick is, how much chakra to infuse, what levels for what amounts will be too much, or too little? If too little, the opposing chakra would burn the chakra channels of the person trying to harness it. If too much, then you expend more than you're gaining, and it's pointless. If I could figure out the correct levels....I could take chakra from an opponent, and put it to use healing someone from the village. Or turn it against them, in their own body."
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 8:10 pm

Senko's right brow raised a little before he started to laugh. His head sliding into an open palm. "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you. It's just.... what you just described.... I have a jutsu that works like that. It steals chakra from the opponent which I can then use to make a shadow clone out of. The difference is that I never put the opponent's chakra in my body. It's one of my kage jutsu. It requires very little of my chakra, and allows me to create stronger clone with less energy." Senko stood up as he yawned again. "I guess I just found it a little funny that you're talking about doing something that is very similar to what I can do. It just kind of tickled me pink, you know?"

After a couple of moments were taken to make sure that Rin wasn't offended, Senko continued. "Anyway I'll help you out however I can. Just be warned my chakra reserves aren't huge."
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 8:19 pm

"Interesting. We have a technique that just steals it from an opponent, but we can't put it to use. At least, not that I know of. Perhaps one of the other villages has perfected it, but. I'm mostly interested because, Medic-nin's, while we have great chakra control, it doesn't mean we have infinate amounts of it, and it'd be really useful to be able to use the technique to further our abilities. Especially on the field." She offered him a light smile, and when he laughed, she just shook her head. She wasn't offended at all, quite the opposite. If Senko had a technique that worked in a similar fashion, if her theory fell through, she might be able to pick his brain for how a different technique worked.

"Ah, like I said, I don't intend on taking large amounts of chakra from you. If I did, and my calculations are wrong, you'd be scooping me up off the ground in a spoon, I'm sure." A momentary frown, before a chewing of the pen she had been using was given. Rolling the scroll back up, it was replaced into the pack and her figure leaned back in the chair as she picked an imaginary particle of dust from her yukata. The sword she carried on her person was left where the pack was for the time being.

"And in any case, that's something to do later. You having a similar technique might be useful, if my theory falls through. It'd be something to base it off of, anyway."
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 8:28 pm

Senko nodded, "I don't think you'd be in that bad of shape. I can't imagine my chakra is is overly potent. Anyway whenever you want to do this let me know." It was a new day and Senko was feeling anxious to do something, ANYTHING. Well really what he wanted to do was to be successfully assimilated as a ninja of the mist, but he had no idea how long that'd take. There were also jutsu and training related things that he wanted to work on.... but they could all wait he supposed. Senko's shoulders rolled forward causing them to crack.

"Oh Rin, what do you know about other types of energy, like stuff like chakra that isn't chakra?" Senko had been pondering his new found spiritual energy for some time now and was hoping that maybe Rin would know something about it.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 8:33 pm

"Chakra like, but not chakra?" The kunoichi frowned briefly, allowing lids to flutter closed for a moment as she thought. Yes, there were many things in the world that they couldn't exactly explain, afterall. Like the priestess' who used some form of energy to defend themselves, but it couldn't be clearly defined as chakra. A vague memory of seeing it mentioned in a book came to mind, though there was a pondering as to where the book had gone. "I've heard of such things. Books mention that priestess' outside of the shinobi nations use powers similar to chakra, but it isn't chakra. They use it to defend themselves, or perform seals...very similar to ours, but they're different, almost...more complex, though I'm hesitant to say that they're more complex, they're just...different."

"I remember reading about spiritual energies, I think that's the term, anyway." Hues opened to settle on Senko. "But those are typically referenced to Samurai and nations that reside with Daimyo territories. Needless to say, we don't have sufficient, or rather, I don't have sufficient information on it to tell you more than that, however."
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 8:39 pm

" Spiritual energy huh, sounds like the same stuff..... I wonder.... I wonder if I could blend it into my chakra?" Now Senko was talking more so to himself than to Rin. "I wonder what that would be like... more potent? Still retain a paralyzing effect?" Senko's mind was racing, he wanted to try it, he wanted to figure out how to merge these two energies. But he didn't even understand how to control it.... but maybe that's because he never tried? Maybe it was because he always kept the energy pent up.... what if he just released it and learned to live with it? Senko's visage contorted with his thoughts, obviously the next step in his training would be learning how to control and manipulate this energy.

Suddenly Senko's attention snapped back to reality, "Oh, sorry Rin I just thought of something that I think I need to work on, but anyway lets do this chakra thing and see how it works out?" It seemed only fitting that they were going to do this in the clinic, at least then if something did go wrong, hopefully another med nin would be able to help her.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 8:48 pm

Rin rose a brow to his mutterings. "I'm going to assume you are thinking of blending spiritual energy...with chakra." She pondered that thought for a moment. "I don't see why it wouldn't work. It might even work under the same principle as what I will be trying to do." Her lithe figure stood then, and shifted as it stretched. "We'll use the large room added to the side. There's no hospital beds or anything in there, so it should be an open space." Moving from behind the desk, the kunoichi motioned for him to follow her to the large, hardwood floored room.

There was no one else occupying the space, which was not unusual. It was normally used for recovering patients for physical therapies and things of the like. When they entered, the med-nin's hands began to glow with the signature green chakra, as her hand reached out to Senko, but she did not just take, she waited for him to offer his hand, or arm, something that she could draw the chakra from. "We call this Chakra no Ito..."
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 8:56 pm

Senko nodded a little as he followed Rin into the other room. His gaze falling onto her hand which was glowing green. Senko thought for a moment as he stared at the extended limb.

"We'll go with the least potent."

Senko's hand extended out and with it a violent crimson flame. His hand would slowly move into position coming to rest against Rin's hand, a smile spreading across his face.

"You know, Rin of Kirigakure, if I didn't know any better I might think you enjoyed holding my hand. I mean don't get me wrong your hand feels soft and smooth, it's nice. I'm saying I barely know you and I feel as if our relationship is progressing way too fast. They say hand holding leads to kissing and that leads to kids." It was a joke, at least in his eyes, but it wouldn't be the first time that their hands had touched in the past 48 hours. Which was a lot for Senko because the only contact he normally received involved fists, feet, and weapons flying at his face.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 9:11 pm

"Least potent would be preferred, thank you." Rin huffed gently at him, before she eyed the flame with wariness. If this didn't work...no, it had to. However, Senko's next words broke her concentration a bit, and she huffed at him again. "I assure you, Senko, it's out of necessity. I'd have to touch you to make this technique work. If you like, I could just junkpunch you and forgo all civility."

Once that had been said, however, she leeched the chakra from him, immediately breaking contact with him when the chakra had been taken, and it floated above her own for a moment as she focused on issuing her own chakra. Slowly, the crimson faded into a green, but, being a bit overzealous, the last step engulfed it far too rapidly and with a flare of chakra. Uttering a gentle curse, Rin seemed to 'wave' the chakra from her hand, and cut off her own chakra for a moment, before allowing her hands to glow green once more. "One more time. I almost had it." Of course, with practice, she would get faster at turning the chakra, and at calculating the amounts of her own that needed to be fed to the chakra to allow it to convert.

She reached out, grasping ahold of Senko's hand once more, she took again, a small amount, before releasing her hold. This time, she was successful at claiming the chakra as her own, and it disappeared, assumably into her own body. Excitement coursed through her. Now if only she could learn to do it in an instaneous action...No, that would require further testing. Perhaps sparring...Sparring would most likely be the best, yes. And preferrably not on someone who had so many different chakra's in their system.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 9:21 pm

Senko blinked several times, "Yes because I'm just going to let you touch my junk.... jeez this relationship is going way too fast. Here you are already talking about trying to get into my pants, the hell is wrong with you? We've known each other for less than 48 hours."

Senko watched Rin's first attempt fail, and of course provided no resistance when she went for round two. Of course the amount of chakra she was taking had been far more negligible then Senko had even expected. Senko quickly catching on to an obvious problem.

"You're not doing enough." He blurted out as quickly as possible. "Rin you need to take more, a lot more. Like as much as you can. If you can learn to augment a large amount of it you'll be able to do smaller amounts faster." Senko's chakra flared up around his whole body, this time in it's pure amethyst hue. "Let's go Rin, do it again." There was no need to spar, plus by using his blended chakra it would make Rin work harder. She would have to separate the chakra before converting it into her own signature. If she could do that, then she'd be able to do a smaller amount of a single type of chakra extremely fast.
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