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Aoiro Jinsoku

Aoiro Jinsoku

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 Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 1:57 am

“ Yes, it is a defense jutsu we use, actually, you probably can’t see through it. While interesting enough! Most if not all of us can. We’re taught to see through… “ Senko would hear Aoiro’s voice trail off in the distance, but Aoiro wouldn’t notice till he heard one of the guards yelling. Turning around, Aoiro would rush to the guards. He needed to stop them before more excitement happens today..

“ Hey, Gage, KonTau, He’s with me. I’m taking him to see the MizuKage right now. It’s fine.. “

Grumbles and fist waves of be gone would be seen by them, as they slowly trudged back to their guarding tower. Aoiro managed a weak smile, one Senko probably couldn’t see..

“ Senko, one move I will have to teach you is the mist vision technique. It’s a absolute must for being around here.. “ Aoiro turned around and kept walking into the village.

“ Hey, uh, just keep following my voice, kay? The mist should clear up pretty soon, it really only covers the area outside of the walls, and a small section on the inside. The rest is mist free. “

Aoiro would be heading straight towards the clinic.
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Amaya Kiyome

Amaya Kiyome

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 2:11 am

Technically Amaya would have been the second to approach the gate, since she followed behind Senko. Wouldn’t do him any good though as she didn’t even look up at the situation. Despite the Jonin’s clear rude attitude, it was common in the village and Amaya simply walked passed him in a calm display. As she passed by the two Jonins, her lips finally lifted from the flute and she said apathetically…

“He attacked me. You should definitely slice him from head to toe.”

…And continued to walk passed them into the village. What a helpful and delightful little girl she was—always doing the right thing. However, despite her words, the Jonins knew and recognized Amaya—if she truly thought him a threat, she wouldn’t have commented in such a way…ironically. Amaya did not take enemies lightly, as was so previously displayed when she and Senko first met, and thus wouldn’t be so placated if the situation was dire. However…the words might have caused Senko to give her a shocked expression—which was her goal.

Sure enough, Aoiro’s follow up assured the guards and confirmed why Amaya acted in such a manner. Making it easier for them to believe him and go on with their duties. Amaya paused and glanced back.

“In case sea legs can’t guide you properly, just follow this," she said as if nothing happened. Raising her flute up slightly, the charka channeling instrument offered a strong glow of placid energy, acting as a bit of a night light in the dense mist. Once she saw that he was following, she continued towards the center of the village. The mist began to dwindle down to a drizzling spray on their faces before suddenly clearing into the sunlight once more.

Amaya shook her damp hair and wiped her eyes slightly, crossing her arms and grinning back at Senko.

"Welcome to the Hidden Mist."
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Location : Kirigakure no Sato

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 2:23 am

Senko frowned a bit, "I should have just killed her." His words fell of deaf ears though. As he made his way through the entrance he exchanged a few quick words with Aoiro who then headed off for else where, evidently he needed some rest.... Senko on the other hand had something he wanted to take care of. He'd follow Amaya deeper into the village until the mist completely cleared up, and as his eyes adjusted to unhindered light, he found his gaze fixated on many tall and somewhat elegant buildings. Crimson optics would dart around for several seconds before he found a sign. His gaze shifting from one sign and the direction it pointed to another.... "Good."

His eyes then quickly slid over to Amaya whom he gave a warm smile. "Well thank you for the warm welcome. Now that I'm in the Hidden Mist I've got some important business I need to take care of.... catch you later. Unless of course you want to try to catch me before I do too much damage, Princess." His form would instantly vanish and reappear next to the sign before vanishing again and instantly reappearing near another one 60 yards away. The act would be repeated several times as he traveled through the city, his form finally disappearing and reappearing one final time.

His image would appear on top of a large red building, his hands sliding together as he performed several seals. His figure suddenly becoming hazy. A stepping motion would be made and his form would fall, as it did it would enter the shadows of the building causing his physical manifest to transmute into that of the shadows. No longer possessing a physical form Senko would literally phase through the wall, reappearing along a wall shadow on the other side, completely invisible to all those inside. For the next couple of minutes he would dart from room to room, until he found who he was looking for. Taking up a position in the corner of the room, still well concealed by the shadows, and still possessing no tangible body, his voice would echo out from the darkness, disembodied. "Ah, I've found you.... Rin."
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 2:37 am

Since her return to the village, and the herbs she had collected, the Med-nin had taken it upon herself to take up in a small, though fairly well lit room as she ground the herbs into a paste in a mortar. It, of course, took quite a bit of time, and the stone was kind enough to assist as much as it could, but aside from brute force, the paste could not be made. In the room adjecent to her, there were several patients remaining in beds, some had been poisoned, and others, like the little girl in the far bed, had a broken leg. While simple enough to heal, it took a bit of time, as the fragments of the bone could not be replaced so easily with simply a pass of the hand, but had to be reconstructed bit by bit, and cell by cell.

Once she had finished with her herbs, she poured the salves into different jars, labelling them accordingly before shelving them to be used at a later date. Normally there were more in the clincic, but the other med-nin's had gone elsewhere, or were on missions for the time being, which was perfectly fine with Rin, she preferred working alone.

At the sound of the voice, however, violet hues narrowed, and she turned abruptly towards the voice, a defensive, yet semi-relaxed form coming to her. "Who's there?"
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Amaya Kiyome

Amaya Kiyome

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 2:54 am

That prick!! That horrible backstabbing little prick!! Amaya stood in utter dismay at his complete dismissal and not to mention his threatening words! Gradually in the brief moments between his departing words and his actual departing, Amaya’s body began to tremble from sheer anger. Her flute latched onto her lips as she swore right then and there she was going to destroy him with her most deadly technique—but he disappeared.

Eyes widening for a moment, she immediately turned and witnessed his body resting upon the top of building rather farther away. She clenched her teeth and blew harshly into her flute, initiating the Body Flicker technique and angrily pursuing him.

And thus the chase began.

Despite her advanced speed, by the time Amaya had reached the first rooftop, Senko had already vanished from his second. Growling under the melodies, she continued to chase after him with a her feeble speed. It was like the forest scene all over again, her speed continued place her one step behind Senko and it was pissing her off!

Landing roughly on the roof top, she glanced up only to see that Senko had only escaped further from her grasps. This was utterly ridiculous! She wasn’t going to made a fool of in this manner! The melodic suddenly changed the frequencies of tune intensifying in a manner to bend the air around her briefly as she initiated the Body flicker technique for the third time and advanced through bended air paths. The point of this was to control the air resistance against her body to increase her speed. However, as soon as her melody shifted to initiate the Body flicker technique the pressure hit her mid flight, sprawling off her balance and causing her to crash onto the next rooftop instead of landing.

“Damn it!!” She cursed into the rooftop. Casting one technique at a time was not sufficient enough…if only she would meld the melodies together. Sitting up from the roof and brushing the dust from her clothing, Amaya looked at her flute frowning heavily as Senko disappeared from his final standing point. Her body still trembled angrily.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Location : Kirigakure no Sato

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 3:02 am

Senko remained concealed as he continued to stare down Rin, he was trying his hardest not to laugh, but he knew that soon he'd probably crack up. The woman seemed on edge, and it only played into his prank. What better way to make friends than to play jokes on them right? Especially if that 'friend' was a crazed scientist that wanted to draw his blood and anal probe him, all in the name of science! Senko blinked several more times, tears rolling down his cheek as he held back laughter. He highly doubted that Rin wanted anything involved probes or a butt.

After regaining his composure Senko picked the deepest most menacing tone he could muster up and then spoke. "I am the fiend of death, the ghost of the past, I represent all of your victims, and I am here to eat your soul!" He managed to produce a sinister laugh that echoed through the room. "AND AFTER I EAT YOUR SOUL I SHALL EAT THE SOUL OF YOUR PATIENTS!!!" Now fighting back even more laughter Senko produced a deep and menacing raw trying to match a sound of what he thought to be a demon.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 3:08 am

Rin was not impressed, to say the least, at the prank. It had taken her a few moments, to figure out who it was, but the chakra energies that she felt were far too similar, and far too unique for it not to be. However, for the moment, she played into his little prank, even managing a soft little gasp of fear for his acting and his mention of her patients. "Oh noes." Was all she said, before snorting softly, and she allowed herself to fall once more into a relaxed stance. "Well, I certainly can't have you doing that, now can I? You certainly have an odd sense of humor, but I'm going to ask you to be quiet now. Demon or not, you're disturbing my patients, who need their rest."

Rin did allow a light smile to cross her visage, however, at least the male had a sense of humor, which was more than most nin could say. However, curiousity piqued, and her head canted slightly. "Why are you here? I'm going to assume it isn't because you need healing. Someone like you, probably wouldn't willingly go to a med-nin for healing anyway." She gave a gentle snort, as if she felt this was a foolish thing to do, avoiding med-nin's. But to each their own, she supposed. Though perhaps, if he got on her bad side, she might enjoy dissecting the laughing little fool. That, was unlikely, med-nin or not, the thought of actually dissecting someone gave her the creeps.
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Amaya Kiyome

Amaya Kiyome

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 3:17 am

Turning her eyes upon the building in which she last witnessed Senko’s form, she stood erect and pressed her flute to her lips again. Those emerald orbs which seemed to always glow with malice intent once again shined with determined ambition—she said she was going to beat Senko and she was going to!

Amaya played the melodic to bend the air pressure for the second time before initiating the body flicker technique again. Her body excelled through the opened air pathways before the pressure began to press against her body—Amaya closed her eyes.

If only I could meld the melodies together…

Amaya’s digits suddenly danced upon the holes of the instrument. A brand new melody transpired from Maboroshi Yokobue and Amaya opened her eyes in shock as the air pressure completely dispersed once again and the Body Flicker technique continued. She had melded the melodies of two different techniques together…


Amaya’s body crashed right into the rooftop of the clinic and she yelped out slightly. Without a doubt the rumble of her impact vibrated through the clinic and probably disturbed several patients. She had not only traveled faster than she intended, but also further. The mixture of the two techniques advanced her speed to a whole new level…but without controlling it…

“OW!! SHIT!! OW!!!”

Amaya had completely crushed her shoulder under the tiles of the rooftop and she heard a sickening pop from the blades. Sitting up and groaning loudly, Amaya glanced at her arm for a moment, completely lifeless.

“I’m going to kill him..I’m going to chew him up and—“

She stopped for a moment and remembered what she just did. She melded two melodies and managed to cast two techniques at the same time!

“Hell…YEAH!!” She exclaimed excitedly before grimacing at the pain in her arm. “I guess…I should get this fixed.” She looked below her for a moment.

She was sitting on the clinic…how ironically fortunate.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 3:27 am

Senko frowned, seeing as the woman had clearly deduced who he was... obviously she was smarter than he had expected. It was a moment latter that he heard a loud thump, his head shaking again. "I see, she's caught up. Took her long enough." Senko stepped from the shadows to get a better look at Rin, as he did so his form transmuted back to normal. "Well Rin of Kirigakure, I felt obligated to repay you for your services earlier helping out Aoiro. So I decided I'm going to let you buy me dinner." Senko's stomach made an audible growl, it was true, he was extremely hungry. After a moments pause he realized he forgot the other half of the deal. "Oh yeah and I'll answer any questions you have about me over food."

Senko gave a warm smile, for now he was broke, so it seemed obvious that if he could cut deals to get free food, he would. He was hoping that Rin's interest in him would be great enough to score him some good food.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Age : 35
Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 3:33 am

At the sound of the impact on the roof of the clinic, Rin merely rose a brow. "Please tell me this isn't your fault." She groaned, the feeling that Senko was far more trouble than he was worth sinking into her mind. Several of the patients had startled awake, and the little girl on the far bed had begun to cry. Pinching the bridge of her nose, a frustrated growl came from her throat. It was no doubt, that once Senko came into someone's life, no matter how brief, it wasn't boring. Or any less stressful.

At his offer, however, she perked, and interest sparked in her hues though she kept a straight face for the most part. "Yesss...Well, in that case, Yes. I will buy you dinner. Let me get the patients taken care of, and we'll find you something to eat." She offered another light smile. "Go get your friend off the roof, while I tend to things in here." And like that, she turned and walked away from him. Her form lowered to the little girl, and she gave a gentle touch to the girl's shoulder, speaking softly to soothe her fears before letting her lay down once more. The other patients were quick to return to their rest as well, a few given painkillers or the final dose of an antidote, or some kind of medicine to assist with their ailments.

It was true, her interest in Senko was more than enough for her to buy him dinner. He held two different chakra's in his body. While she could pull chakra from another person, it was wasted as it couldn't be used. If she could figure out a way to allow others to harness the different types of chakra's, the technique would become extremely more potent, and efficient. Rather than letting chakra go to waste, it could be used...
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Amaya Kiyome

Amaya Kiyome

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 11:18 am

Amaya made an attempt to stand and up and grimaced mildly at her arm swinging against her side—who would have thought that one dislocated arm would cause you so much grief. However, in the end, the pain was completely worth it—she had learned a new technique that she was anxious to polish. Twisting the flute within her good hand before placing in against her hip, Amaya grinned and slid down side of the building, catching the rim of the roof with her good hand before dropping down to the ground. Glancing back at the building then down to her arm, Amaya sighed and pressed open the door to the clinic.

Perhaps she was well too distracted with the recent turn of events because she didn’t sense Senko presence within the building—and considering how she would have reacted if she did, it was a good thing. Medical nin noticed her entry of the building and Amaya smiled sleepishly, raising a finger to her ajar shoulder.

“Sorry got a little clumsy while hopping the rooftops, can one of you meds fix this?”

Deciding it was better to just comply than to question, the freest medical ninja approached her and observed her arm with a professional expression before suddenly seizing Amaya arm and jerking it back into place.

“OW!! Can’t you be any more gentle than…”

She trailed off as the medical ninja placed his hands on her shoulder, a green glow flowing from his palms—the pain subsided in a matter of moments. Amaya blinked and rotated her arm in its socket once he was done before smiling warmly.

“Hey, you medical ninja are pretty talented. Thanks.”

The ninja smiled and nodded in appreciation of her comment before returning to his duties. Amaya placed her hands on her hips and canted her head for a moment. She’d lost her train of thought—what was she doing again?

“Oh yeah…that prick.”

Amaya palmed her forehead. Was he even worth looking for anymore?
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 11:56 am

Senko made his way through the clinic, assuming that Rin was following not too far behind him. She had promised to buy him dinner, and at this point Senko was more than willing to eat just about anything. As he made his way further through the confines of the clinic, he would come upon an interesting site. There was Amaya having her arm relocated by a medical Nin. "Jeez, I was right, that was you that hit the roof huh? You need to be more careful princess, otherwise you'll be even more useless as a shinobi." Senko smiled menacingly at her before turning to see if Rin was following.

His gaze then shifted back to Amaya, "By the way, I'm going to go get some food, you are welcome to join us." Senko blinked for a second realizing that even though they were from the same village they may not know one another. Motioning with his hands he began the introductions, "Princess this is Rin, she a medical nin who helped out Aoiro. Rin of Kirigakure, this is Amaya, she's the shinobi that woke up your patients when she slammed into the roof." His stomach growled again, and Senko found himself becoming impatient... hunger was such a crippling force.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 1:39 pm

After Rin had taken care of the patients that had been startled, her form had taken to follow Senko's out of the clinic. She was amused by his demeanor, and at the same time, surprised by how cheerful he was compared to their earlier encounter. As violet hues settled on the Kunoichi being treated by one of her fellow med-nin, she took in her appearance with a solemn visage. Hues fell over the other girl in an almost challenging manner, but she was assessing the woman's damage, and the way that the med-nin had treated her. IT was to her satisfaction, and her visage softened as a smile found it once more.

"I know who she is, and you can just call me Rin or Suzume, Senko. You don't need to add the village to my name." Was all Rin stated, but she gave an inclination of her head despite that. Rin knew who most of the Shinobi were in the village, either because they'd been in the clinic, or she'd done research on the different abilities, and Amaya had an interesting ability, to say the least. Not to mention, they were around the same age, and most genin were aware of who the other genin were, due to the academy, or training. Though med-nin's didn't often train with others, there were times when they had to, afterall, if the med-nin were injured, the rest of the team was screwed.

That, and Amaya had an attitude that wasn't particularly ...always pleasant to be around. Oh no, most people were aware of her snobbish attitude. However, she was not so impolite that she was going to brush the girl off. "Yes, we're going to go eat, you are more than welcome to join, as Senko has stated." And with that said, she brushed ahead of the two, and out of the clinic. Once they were outside, she lead them to a shop that served sushi rolls and other such things. The chime of the bell indicated their arrival, and a small table was taken to sit at, seeings as the bar was full of other nin at the current moment.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 1:58 pm

Senko happily followed Rin, not really paying too much attention to the actions of Amaya. It'd be a fairly short walk fortunately, taking only a few minutes for them to arrive at the sushi bar. Eagerly sliding through the door way and darting past Rin he found himself sitting at a table bouncing up and down. He could already feel his mouth salivating, and he could hardly wait for the waitress to speak.

"Welcome sir can I get you anything to dr"

Senko cut her off, "Water and Anago, and uh uh uh Battera.... and uh whatever she wants" His left hand sliding up as he pointed at Rin who mostly would still be in the process of sitting since she didn't seem to be even close to being in the same rush as Senko. His fingers drummed on the table anxiously as he looked at Rin for several moments blankly.... and then recognition struck his face. "Oh yeah, so what do you want to know?"
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Location : Kirigakure No Sato.

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 2:05 pm

Rin could have honestly cared less if Amaya followed or not, and that was made apparent by the way she chose to ignore whether the girl did or not. No, her single, sole interest at the moment was currently bouncing up and down in his seat like a two year old waiting for ice cream. ...And that thought, a soft giggle managed from the med-nin as she turned to the waitress after she had seated. "Tamago and tea, thank you." And if Amaya had ordered, Rin had already blocked it out due to Senko's staring. She gave a gentle cough, and then shook her head.

As she pondered the questions...there were so many, she heaved a gentle sigh, toying with the napkin on the table as she weighed which one to ask first. "I suppose...My first question is this. How are you melding two different chakra types in one body. I've heard of it being done before, but most of the time the different chakras is too much for the body to handle and it retaliates against the user. How is it that you have two working in perfect harmony? If I could learn that..." Her eyes went glossy for a moment. "Then one of my techniques will be far more useful,if we could learn to harness the different chakra's in our bodies, rather than just our own type, we would become extremely more efficient in battle, and healing."
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 2:19 pm

Senko's head tilted to the side as he stared at her again, completely confused and lost at what she meant by two. "Uh... three. Not two, three." Senko's left hand shifting onto the table with the palm facing up. Slowly a cyan flame seeped from it dancing around in elegant strides, the flame moved over to the right side of the hand a crimson flame then emerged from the vacant spot. The flame jutted out furiously as if it was trying to consume everything around it. The cyan flame moved a little to the left, the crimson flame moved a little to the right, and where they entwined an amethyst flame burned brilliantly. "The red is mine. The blue.... I'm not sure who the blue belongs to. I am a clone of someone else, of someone I've never met... except for within my subconscious.... this blue is his."

The flames died down as Senko darted his head around to see who was looking. A sigh escaping his lips as he looked down and closed his eyes. "This is going to suck." Senko's left hand suddenly seemed crippled, paralyzed with the digits half curled, suddenly small waves of black radiated out from the appendage only to be followed by a dark obsidian flame. The demonic chakra erupted out, it's corrupted malicious aura burning into the table. Senko winced a little as he flexed the hand. As he tapped deeper into the demonic chakra arcs of green lightning began to cascade down the finger tips and then suddenly it all vanished.

Senko inhaled deeply, and then with a long exhale he brought his right hand forward and manually moved each digit of his left hand into a straightened position. As the fingers were forced into movement each knuckle would release a loud obnoxious crack. After all the digits had been straightened, he manually curled them again, one by one. The whole process taking five minutes, not including the ample rubbing of the limb, before movement was returned to it. "As for this... other chakra.... it started happening after I ran into a wild animal that had been corrupted by some type of demonic chakra. It's a long story." Senko gazed at the fingers on his left hand, they had small burns and cuts on them, and the whole hand felt cold and sore.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 2:39 pm

"Three?" Rin stared at him in disbelief, but her interest sparked once more when he chose to demonstrate. As the chakra's flooded his hand, Rin frowned softly, as if concentrating on the way that they mixed. His explaination gave information into part of it, but...she knew the Jinchuuriki of old had managed to hold different chakra's as well. Perhaps...perhaps if she could just figure out how to convert the chakra, instead of forcing the body to accept it. Thought instantly came ot her visage, no, she'd need Senko to show her more of how the two others mixed before she could come up with a reasonable way to manage the chakra. And practice, she'd have to practice herself. Which meant she'd have to find someone willing to part with their own chakra.

As the obsidian flame engulfed his hand, however, the woman seemed startled, rightfully so. The darkness and despair that came in waves from that chakra was intoxicating...intoxicating and enlightening, and at the same time, instilled fear down to her very core. Her hues became half lidded, and when the flame finally dispersed she had to shake her head quite a few times before frowning softly. "Interesting." Was all she said for the moment, and without thinking, she reached out to his hand, her own green chakra glowing from her digits as she held them over his to soothe the cuts and burns caused by the other chakra.

The odd thing about chakra burns, however, is that they couldn't be healed as easily as other things, and it took a bit of concentration for a job that should have taken none. "Senko, do not use that chakra." She warned, and her visage had paled to a degree, which would have been difficult to notice considering her already pale visage. However, at that moment, their food arrived, and though Rin found herself no longer particularly hungry, she managed to take a bite of her Tamago, still watching Senko, but this time, far more wary.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 2:49 pm

Senko nodded as he watched Rin assist in the healing process, "I don't plan on it. At least not by itself anyway. I've used it once by itself the havoc it brings about on the body is pretty much intolerable afterward. But when I blend it together with the other two chakra's it's far more manageable and beneficial. It's actually rather euphoric, though it tends to be more than muscles and bones can take after a few minutes." Senko dug in scarfing down several bites before something lit up in his eyes.

"While I've had these three chakra's before acquiring it, I've noted that my control and efficiency with them has increased after it was given to me." Senko shifted around so that he was facing away from Rin and then proceeded to lift his shirt up revealing the seal in between his shoulder blades. His hands moving from the shirt as he turned around again and then held out his left hand again, revealing the seal on it. "This one, I'm not 100% sure what it does actually. But I got it shortly after the first.... and the first one, the one on my back, it is actually three different seals merged together." Senko strummed his digits on the table for several moments before speaking again. "In fact, I should probably bring up the fact that prior to receiving the first seal which would become part of the multi seal on my back, I had a much paler demeanor and I wasn't able to separate my chakra so easily. In fact the amethyst chakra was my standard, or so I thought, but after I received the seal everything changed."
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 2:58 pm

"I see." Was what she said to his comments, but when he spoke of seals, and chakra control, interest chased the fear away, and she stood when he showed her the seal between is shoulder blades. Again, without thinking, she reached out to touch it. She knew little about seals, and this one looked particularly intricate...And Senko seemed to know little about them as well. She pondered that for a moment, deciding that later she would retire to the library to find out what she could. For the time being, she tapped the seal a few times with her finger, before moving to see the one on his left hand.

"Three different seals, Merged? Interesting. It seperated out your chakra's, probably allowing you to properly combine them with the ...darker chakra that resides within you. It's..." She thought for a moment. "Almost like a Jinchuuriki seal, but...not at the same time. I know little of seals, I'd have to do more research. Does this also seperate the other..entity?" Referring to the one he was cloned from.

Rin's digits moved to the seal on his left hand, as she lifted it up some to get a better look, "This one hasn't merged onto the large one though, is this one the newest?" She gently prodded it in question.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 3:16 pm

Senko shook his head, "No, I've always been aware of the other entity. His presence has gone stronger.... after. Well two events. The first involved the infected bear, it had over whelmed me with it's chakra, it was this other entity who brought me out of the darkness and helped me turn the dark chakra back on the bear and use it for one of my own jutsu." Senko paused for a moment, gathering his words carefully, "Then I met him again after I had temporarily merged with Ryujin... and had a mountain dropped on me. It was before Lord Yama that this other entity manifested itself and pleaded for my life. Lord yama seemed to know who he was and seemed to value his opinion... and so here I am. There are chunks of my past which I can't remember though, like the village I am from."

Senko looked down as he used his right hand to stuff his face a nod given as Rin inquired about how recent seal on his hand was. It was then that his jaw would drop, his eyes bulging a little as he looked at Rin. When Rin had started touching the seal on his palm Senko had felt a cool sensation running through his body, he hadn't thought too much of it, but now.... he was worried. Rin looked old, her skin was lose, she seemed wrinkled, her hair taking on hues of gray. Senko quickly withdrew his hand from the woman as he looked at his palm. His mind racing back to the conversation Lord Yama had with him. "Eternal Youth.... oh yeah..... shit!" Senko closed his eyes looking into the deep confines of his spiritual strength. Within the depths of his mind he could see a glowing image of Rin, bound in obsidian chains. Concentrating on the chains he could see them shake, and then break apart freeing the woman.

Senko's eyes opened as he looked up at Rin, a green light was floating from his left hand and dancing through the air only to come down on Rin's body saturating it. Her skin would tighten, her wrinkles would fade, her hair would return to normal. Senko's eyes shifted off to the side not daring to look into her eyes. Hopefully she didn't notice what happened, no of the other patrons seemed to.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 3:28 pm

"You...had a mountain dropped on you?" She scoffed, as if not believing, but at the same time...this man was unlike anything she had ever seen before. It was...odd. And yet, he obviously was dangerous, to himself, and others. He was exotic, and weilded powers that she knew nothing about, and that was enough to make her stick around. He fascinated her, with his strangeness and his demeanor, the difference between him and the other nin's was nearly tangible.

Luckily for him, she had not noticed the effect the seal had on her, otherwise she might have fled, right then and there, and never looked back. She felt odd when she touched the seal, but that was the only effect she was aware of, and she removed her hand from the seal a moment later, violet hues pinning him. "You certainly are a strange individual, Senko." She was teasing, evident by the light smile that graced her visage, and she resumed her seat, placing another Tamago into her mouth as though completely unaffected by their entire conversation. Though a sudden thought rushed into her mind. "So, not knowing what village you are from...you are rogue? You do not have a headband?" No, she assumed, if he were telling the story, it was probably lost somewhere within a mountain?

"And on that note, we will all get into trouble if Mizukage finds out that you are here, and no one has taken you to the Tower. And on that note, are you certain of what you are, cause you don't seem...human." She was cautious with her words, but...there they were, she didn't want to offend him, but. "And on top of that, might I ask why you are so willing to part with this information? It could be used against you, you know. Especially by strangers, in a Village that you do not know. You don't seem keen on anything that revolves around science or medical arts, so another question, why come to me? Aside from desiring food?"
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 3:41 pm

Senko didn't blame her for not believing him, he sure the hell didn't look like he had a mountain dropped on him, but as far as he knew it was true. "Uh unless I have false memories I'm 80% sure there was a mountain..... or at least a sizable chunk of land dropped on me by some jackass with a gravity manipulation jutsu." More food shoveled into his mouth as Rin bombarded him with questions, he was thankful she hadn't noticed her rapid aging and then... youthing? He wasn't really sure what to call it.

Senko nodded, "Strange, well yes that is a nice way of putting it, and no I don't have a headband. I'm not sure where it is..... probably the same place as my mask and cloak which are missing." Senko took a long sip of water, before taking a somewhat depressing sigh. "I have no idea if I'm human. I'm a clone, I doubt I have a soul. What I do know is that after my afterlife experience I was told that I was a Shinigami now. I mean I know that a shinigami is, it is the personification of death, I don't know what that means. I mean if it weren't for the fact that I get hungry I'd assume that I was still dead, but obviously I'm not. I eat, I breathe, I bleed.... but I can't say that I am human."

Senko's head tilted back as he began to stare off at the ceiling, jeez she had a lot of questions. His eyes shifting down to barely view Rin over the top of his bottom eye lids. "Uh, I dunno. Food. I figured that since you wanted to study me, I might be able to trade information for food. AND While I know nothing about the medical arts, I am actually love science, I just don't like scientist." Senko shifted foward and stuck his tongue out at Rin. "Anyway, all this information I'm giving you, it can't be used against him. Just because someone knows about my different chakra types doesn't mean they can even come close to understanding my fighting capabilities. I mean really this information is trivial." Senko's hands came together as he laced his digits together, stretched out his limbs, and cracked his knuckles. "Anywho, you seem like a kind hearted person.... for the most part."
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 3:57 pm

"Gravity manipulation?" Her head canted at that. Ah, there were so many techniques she didn't know about. Allowing hues to drop to a close for a brief moment as she processed the information, lest her head explode. "Obviously you are quite alive, as for having a soul, I doubt that. You have a personality, don't you? You feel, as everyone else does, yes? Then as far as anyone is concerned, you have a soul. You may be a clone, but you have your own thoughts, personality, feelings, desires..." She trailed off, raising a brow at the mention of him being a Shinigami...

A personification of death? Did that mean he could simply wish death upon someone, or touch them and they would become dead themselves? So many questions rampaged her mind, and she found it hard to hold them back, but she did. Mainly by shoving another tamago into her maw to prevent the pursuit of the questions. "So in other words, you like science, you just don't like those that use it...I'm assuming in manners that bring harm to another person. Let me tell you something. PEople who do that, are not worthy of being called scientists. If you can't perform the necessary things without harming another person, then you aren't good enough to be a scientist."

Rin let that lay to rest, however, surprised by his...backhanded compliment, and she snorted softly. "Thank you, I think? Anyway. You're not going to be allowed to wander the village for much longer. Where did you intend on staying while you are here? I don't know if Mizukage will ...let you stay or not,for that matter."
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 4:09 pm

Senko shrugged at her statement about scientists, he disagreed with her. In his mind all scientist where the same, they always hurt someone. Regardless of if they acknowledged it or not. Senko's left hand sneaking off as he grasped one of Rin's tamago and quickly tossing it into his mouth. " I dunno. I originally came here with Aoiro. He was the only reason I got in. He said I could stay at his place... but I have no idea where that is." Senko finished off the last of his food as well as his water.

"You think they'll kick me out of the village? That sucks.... I need a job damnit." A hum would escape from his throat as he pondered, "I'm skilled shinobi from another village.... surely there must be some type of value to me?" His head shook several times before his gaze fell on Rin, "Anyway, thanks for the date Rin, we'll have to do it again. I had a good time." His form shifted a little as he pondered a few moments. "HEY! Can't you do something for me? Say you are studying me and what not? I'm sure they won't kick one of your subjects out!?!"
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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PostSubject: Re: Kirigakure no Sato    Kirigakure no Sato - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 4:18 pm

"Hey!" Rin swatted at his hand as he snuck off with her tamago, and she scowled at him, before pulling her plate from the table, and closer to her own form. "Those are mine!" She had a moment of immaturity, and she stuck her tongue out at him, before quickly shoving the rest of the tamago in her mouth, giving her chipmunk cheeks until she could chew them down enough to swallow. Huffing rather loudly at Senko, she sighed a bit. "Aoiro's house wouldn't be hard to find, I imagine...If you ask someone. But, by yourself, yes, they'll kick you out." She folded her arms in front of her as he suddenly exploded in questions.

"Well...I could try, but it's quite obvious that you have a far more dangerous chakra than what I have, and you could probably overpower me in the way of ninjutsu's..." Rin didn't have a problem pointing out that he was stronger than her, mainly because it was true, but everyone had a weakness, and Rin was extremely good at exploiting them. "But I'm only a genin to this village, they may let one of the ...older and more experienced med-nin's take you into their hands instead, and I don't know...I'm pretty sure you'd disagree to that. Some of them are..." She paused, as if thinking of the way to word it. "Not particularly pleasant, and far more ambitious than I. I suppose we could try, however. There is no harm in trying."
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