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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 7:42 am

His eyes narrowed a little as he continued to look at the metal sphere, his mind was racing with other things, subjects which he would have to address at a later time. But at this moment he had an enemy, and it would be at this moment his objective was clear. "So can you kill it? I mean obviously it can be detained as you're doing now. But can it die? I've heard of individuals having such potent chakra that even when blown to pieces they will not die. Are these creatures like that? Because that green stuff radiating out of them seems pretty potent to me." The idea of just capturing these things didn't sit well with him. Having a bunch of them stored in one spot was a recipe for disaster. Really it would only make sense to dispose of them to keep them from harming others later. But that of course was not his call to make.
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Shinn Aska
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Shinn Aska

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 10:47 am

"I Dont Know" Shinn said "but our mission is to stop them how ever we can and right now this was the best we could do and it is most likely only temorary since its blood is acid its probably burning through the metal as we speak and we need to study this thing that is for sure"
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 1:47 pm

Senko nodded to Shinn's comment, "Well I have an idea on how to dispose of that thing if ANBU doesn't get here in time. We'll only get one shot at it, there definitely won't be a repeat performance for awhile.... so I'd rather not unless we have to. That being said if you feel like everything about to give out, give me a heads up and I'll try my idea out." Senko put a little more thought into it, "Though if one of you knew some earth jutsu maybe we could just bury that thing underground forty some odd feet.... I'm pretty sure that'd hold em." Senko's form shifted against the tree as he looked at the Kitsune mask. "So Shinn, what is your story? Where are you form? What was life like growing up for you?" They had time, there was no telling when ANBU would show up, so it seemed only logical that he took the time to get to know his team mates.
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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 4:48 pm

Idaku walked up to the sphere and placed his hand on it feeling it's temprature. it was getting hotter just from the radiating chakra. "Taku sensei, search this thing over with your eyes, tell me where the weak points are in my metal and ill regenerate them."

Taku nodded and did so. "the creature seems to be focusing on the bottom of the sphere, deliperatly forcing blood out of some of it's wounds on that spot." he said shuddering. "Nasty thing." he muttered.

Idaku formed a ram sign and started focusing his metal chakra there.

"No burying it would only cause more contamination to the surrounding area, we cannot do that." Taku said to Senko. "ANBU is almost here." a few seconds later three men in black cloaks with a dog a cat and a bird mask appeared. "Gentlemen." they said looking at the metal ball. "is the beast in there." the one with the cat mask asked.

"Yes," Taku said with a smile.

The anbu walked up and each one placed a seal on three points of the sphere then formed a ram sign and there was a great roar from inside the sphere and then silence. "there it is dead." they said. "here are the instrucitons for the killing seal,' the dog anbu said handing them the taku, "take them and memorize them."

"Alright men lets move out!" taku said taking the scroll and running down to the town.
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Shinn Aska
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Shinn Aska

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 4:55 pm

Shinn took off he went up ahead of the rest he had all ready collected all of his things and put his wieghts back on
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 5:31 pm

Senko's right brow furrowed, it seemed that his team mate had no desire to talk about himself. He could only surmise that this meant he was a troubled individual with a shady paste. "Bad cookie Senko-kun." Senko's voice stayed hushed as he mumbled to himself. It seemed that Shinn and he were possibly to beings from the same mold. Learning forward Senko brought himself from the tree trunk and onwards following the rest of the team. "Well... looks like I have a lot of catching up to do, it'll be a long night." His figure seemed to fade away as he made his way into the town, still trailing behind the others.
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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 6:51 pm

Idaku sunk under the ground and came back up next to senko. "so what is your specialty?" he asked kindly taking out his metal spheres and spinning them, as was his habbit.
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Shinn Aska
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Shinn Aska

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 7:41 pm

Shinn was a head of every one and after a few minuets he stared to see clearings in the trees and then small buildings but then he saw smoke and flames and they were too big and tgere was too much for it to be just a little warming fire somthing was wrong so Shinn increased his speed and used NP. To get tgere as fast as he could and there stood a gargantuan bear at least double the size of a grizzly but Shinn also saw that the bear was leaking some black chakra with 6 tails but it also had a villager pinned down and it was about to finish wat it looked like a girl holding a todler who was also a girl Shinn charged as fast as he could and as tge bear came down ontop of them shinn moved in the way and took tge swiping blow across the back his shield took some of tge power out of tge attack but shin could feel him self bleeding profusly and feel his ribs smash but the wounds didn't try to close like the other one before did but Shinn didn't even think about tgat because poison at this point would just be overkill Shinn thought for sure that he was going to die but he didn't stop he pulled out his shield and tackled the beast trying to push it away from the two girls but to no effect the bear simply seated him out of tge way and came up again to kill tge two girls but Shinn charged back again "earth style earth spike jutsu ". Shinn had never put so much chakra and will power into a jutsu ever before so when he finished the hand signs 16 spike shot into the bear stopping it for a half a minuet in which Shinn yelled at tge girls to run away but then the bear shatters the spike leaving itself bloody and torn. But instead of attacking again it turned and ran away back into the woods and then Shinn blacked out
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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 7:46 pm

idaku smelled the smoke and ran to find the source. he caught up wit hshinn jsut in time to see him pass out. he growled and ran after the beast using the steel vine style instead of his normal earth adept. vines of steel shot out all around the bear slashing and tearing at it's flesh. but it was all in vain as soon as it got injured it would heal due to the monster chakra. the bear got annoyed enough and turned on idaku its tails whipping out and hitting him. he fell to the ground caughing up blood just from the one strike, a burn mark down his side.
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Shinn Aska
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Shinn Aska

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 7:54 pm

Shinn thought himself dead shurly he was dead he felt .....rain why did he feel rain the skys were clear when he died but Shinn opened his eyes slightly and was shocked to find that it was not rain but tears .. tears of a girl he didnt even know then he recognised her it was the girl he had just rescued "H..he...hey do..dont ..cry u dont .. look as pretty when u ...cry" Shinn mumbled just before he passed out again
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 10:47 pm

Senko had heard Idaku's question but had not been given enough time to reply to him before all hell broke loose. Before he knew what was completely going on he heard the sound of Shinn battling, and then Idaku was gone leaving Senko alone. There were growls, roars, and some unidentifiable noise that Senko couldn't place. "It most be another one of those beasts." His figure tilted forward as a frown traveled across his visage, his chakra channeling to his vitals as he readied to Shunshin his way over to Idaku and Shinn. Yet just before his form vanished, his gray optics narrowed on the sight of the deformed bear bursting from the town breaking for the woods, and heading straight for Senko. Taking little time to think, his left arm slid back as he grasped the hilt of the kama, unraveling all nine feet of chain behind him. His wrist flicked and the blade was sent flying at the beast, the tip slamming just under the beasts left forward limb, sliding nicely into the joint. Yet as soon as the wound was made, it healed around the blade of kama, locking it in place.


The bear charged on, the lumbering beast making its way towards him. His knees bent and as the monster closed in Senko propelled himself up and over it, holding onto the end of the chain, his figure flipping at zenith, before rotating around to face the rear of the mutated freak as he landed. Both heels dug into the ground, his weight shifting to the rear, every muscle in his body tensing as he gave a jerk on the chain. Almost instantly the bear lurched back as the Kama drove in deeper. It's mighty paw swiping out, smashing into the chain, shattering it. The beast was now enraged.

"I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved, oh well.... too late to bitch now." The bear charged him again it's massive maw opening as it's head twisted to the side, the beasts jaws looking to ensnare Senko. Senko's hands rose as he went through a series of seals, O-hitsuji, Hebi, Tora. A poof of smoke and two shadow clones formed on either side of him. The three then jumping in opposing directions causing the bear to come sliding to a halt in confusion. Yet as if compelled by some greater force the bear suddenly let out a massive roar, it's sinking dark chakra radiating out. An elderly man from the town who was curious about the commotion suddenly found him self embraced by the beasts evil aura. Almost instantly horns sprouted from the man's head and two ape like tails slithered from his pants. His teeth which had most likely been false fell from his mouth as a series of jagged fangs replaced them, and his eyes turned to pure crimson. His figure began to radiate the same deathly aura as the bear.

"Note to self, avoid the chakra." a single clone muttered as he looked at the others. His form then lurching forward as he brought his figure into a spin, his right leg arching out he slammed his heel into the demon man's chin sending him flying to the side. The Second clone lunged at the bear but was meet with another burst of the dark chakra causing it to explode in the air. The other clone which had engaged the man suddenly found itself exploding into a poof of smoke as the man lunged back at him and drove his head mounted horns through the clones body.

"Alright, kid gloves are off." Senko relaxed and dropped from his hiding place in a tree. The bears head turned as it's grizzly eyes made contact with Senko, and as if commanding the man jutted his head towards Senko, resulting in the demon man lunging at the Shinobi. As the demon's left hand thrust for Senko's chest, Senko twisted his form to the right, his left elbow sliding out as he brought it along the outside of the demon's left forearm. His left hip then slid behind the demon's left elbow and his right hand was brought to the left forearm of the demon. Both hands sliding along as he brought in fingers past the wrist and laying on the backside of his hand, and his thumbs behind the wrist, his fingers forming a ring around the demon's wrist. As Senko did this the demon brought his right hand up, readying to bring it slamming down on Senko's shoulder. Yet before he could he found himself falling to the ground screaming in pain. Pushing all of his weight into Senko bent the wrist and pushed the fingers of the demon down and back towards the bottom side of his forearm, causing a sudden gush of immense pain through the beasts whole body. "Good, you can still feel pain, then you'll enjoy this."

Release the left arm of the monster, and optimizing upon the beasts fallen position, Senko spun around driving his right elbow into the mutants neck, slamming into the internal jugular vein, which controls the flow of blood to the heart. By palpating this particular vein Senko triggered a stun like effect on the beast, leaving him in a near black out state. Once more spinning so that he would now face the once human, Senko's right forearm carried his fist forward in a straight punch, an amethyst chakra flame glowing brightly around his fist. As his fist slammed into the demon's sternum the chakra flame flared out carrying the force of the punch through the whole of the chest and straight out the other side. It seemed that the man had not inherieted the bears healing abilities for a loud crack could be heard as the man's sternum shattered. And as the previous hits stun wore off the man staggered backwards grasping at his chest. By palpating the heart Senko was causing this elderly individual to have a heart attack.

The beast grasped for as he clenched at his chest with his right arm, and clenched his right arm with his left hand. He took several staggered steps back wailing in agony before falling over. Senko not one to assume anything immediately lurched forward pulling forth his boot dagger and driving it through the mutants temple, leaving it embedded there as he looked up at the bear.

The bear took a step back and roared again, his black chakra flaring up as his deathly aurora erupted out consuming Senko. Senko could only stand there and watch as darkness devoured him. His life flashing before his eyes.

~A Disembodied voice~ You have no soul, you are a monster, you are a tool, you are not human. You are a blemish upon this world...

Senko found himself hovering in the air looking down at 30 four year old's that looked identical to him. They wore 75lb weights on their chest, 25lbs on each arm, and 50lbs on each leg.

A man stood to the side talking to them.

"There once was a legendary samurai who was said to move so fast with sword in hand that no one could see his attacks. For it was only after his attack was finished did the eyes register him move, and the sound of his sword unsheathing could be heard. This legendary Samurai was said to move faster than the speed of sound, and he was said to be the only person to posses this unique trait. We have found the tomb of this man and you are all his children. Learn to fight well!"

Time drifted on man of the children are injected with numerous serums, many die from rapid aging, yet some take well to the drugs and grow strong.

Another man spoke, "You are weapons, you have no emotions, you have no feelings, fear the light, fear fire, for thy like souls and therefore evil."

The world fast forwarded to a year later, the actual ninjutsu training had begun, yet another man spoke.

"You each have your own elements, you will be given jutsu that correspond with these elements, if you do not master these jutsu within 24 hours you will be terminated."

Another flash forward, only 6 of them remain, they are seen being injected with numerous different types of chakra.

Another flash forward, a room is ablaze. Anbu has stormed the compound which these children lived and began to kill the adults in charge of them. Most of the children fight back, except for one. As the slaughtering ends the group of Anbu stand before a single child, one which raised no hand against them. They speak: "What should we do with him?:

"I don't know, can we kill someone who poses no threat?"

"Lets bring him back to the village for study."

"Agreed, I'm sure Lord Hokage will be interested in him."

One of the Anbu members removes their mask revealing metallic disc like eyes, "Come with us child, it'll be okay."


Senko snapped out of his flash back as the darkness faded around him. Before him stood the bear a confused look on its face. Gray optics traveled down as Senko gazed at his hand, his eyes following the digits of his fingers to his hand, to his wrist up his arm, to his chest, down his torso, and to his feet. His body was coated in an amethyst aura. A surge of power flowed through him, he felt amazing. It seemed that whatever corrupting powers this beasts chakra had, Senko was immune to it.

"I guess that which has no soul cannot be corrupted."

The bear lunged at him bringing it's might paw down on top of him, yet before the swing was even half was executed, Senko was gone. His form appearing above the bears head and fell towards it, his left heel driving into the beast scalp, and driving the bears head into the ground. His right leg touching the ground as he then back flipped away. His hands coming together to perform another string of hand seals: Ryu, Hebi, Ryu, Tori, Saru, Tora, Hebi, Tora, Ryu, Special Seal Yami. It would be at this time that the bear lifted his head from the ground and lunged forward at Senko, who had gathered up 85% of his chakra and was preparing to unleash it. "KAGE KAJI NO JUTSU!" Both hands pushing forward to meet the bears maw as it readied to bite him in half. Almost instantly though a tidal wave of black shadowy flames flared out from his palms washing over the beast and engulfing the immediate area in front of him. Yet rather than emitting heat, they felt cold. As the wave dissipated, and the darkness faded away, Senko could see that the area before him was clear. No grass, no bear, just a large crater with a couple dancing shadow flames. An attack which assimilated all matter and energy caught within it, leaving it lost to the realm of shadows.

Senko took a step back, a grin sliding across his face. He felt proud of himself, normally a kage kaji no jutsu wouldn't be nearly big enough to engulf a grown man, yet thanks to the bear's chakra super charging him, he'd been able to release an attack of proportions that had never before be witnessed. "Yep I'm bada...." his voice trailed off as he blacked out and fell backwards, his head slamming into a rock behind him. Even with the bears chakra, the attack was just too draining to use.
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Shinn Aska
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Shinn Aska

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 9:52 pm

no to powerfull redo it
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 11:21 am

Jeez what is with you people? You're acting like I'm attacking you and trying to kill your character. God forbid I try to develop my character in any way shape for form. Now it was my understanding that we had an agreement that I was allowed at least 1 Jutsu higher than C rank per battle. And in fact I only intended on using one within a reasonable amount of logic. Thus possibly preventing me from even using one per battle. With that being said I opted to use an S Rank Jutsu which should logically be extremely powerful, and taxing. Which was displayed as my character lost consciousness after using it. And in the future the ability to reproduce the same results with that jutsu wouldn't be possible without the exact same circumstance. In this case the Infected Bear passing on some of his own corrupted chakra trying to corrupt Senko. This having the same effect as some of Might Guys, or Rock Lee's techniques. And the only reason I did that was to help to build on my character and his story and to help evolve the plot later.

As we discussed my character was to take on the role of the primary villain at some point, but why would a relatively pleasant shinobi do that? Well I had intended for the chakra to have a delayed effect in corrupting him, and that after more exposure to it he'd eventually become power hungry. Which would then begin to open up the path towards villainy.

But rather than letting try to develop and explore this aspect you are too worried about me unleashing a powerful attack on an NPC.... A none playable character.

So no, I'm not going to redo it. You can just have the bear eat my character or something. Because I can already tell that you guys are too worried about NPC's getting slaughtered that the story is never going to be able to progress without either of you having direct say in what's going on.

I mean really you guys might want to add in your rules and regulations that. : Your character is going to be this person. He will be on this team with these jutsu, he'll win this fight, lose this fight, love this person, hate this person, die in this arc. here is the story line for the next 8 arcs at which point we will then close down the forum because the story is complete.
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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 11:25 am

One Shinn isn't head admin i am and i approved this developement, for him to be the major villian it has to happen shinn, two Senko while i did approve this warn me before you inject plot into a thread. this will be allowed to happen
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 12:29 pm

Look I'm sorry if I'm causing you guys grievances, I'm not trying to be a diva, I'm just not use to this level of micromanaging. I'm use to people randomly injecting plot elements in RPs which keeps the RP free flowing and hard to predict. So please forgive me for my little blow up, and I will make sure to let both of you know my plot related intentions the next time I decide to add something.
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Shinn Aska
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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 10:25 pm

ok great srry it was just i had plans for the bear for this mission and was upset at losing him because he was going to play an important role in thgis mission and now he is ash
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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 10:27 pm

and this is why i asked him to now tell us when he will
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 3:22 am

Just because the bear is 'ash' doesn't mean it can't make a return appearance. Death is only temporary for somethings. So you can still utilize him.
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Shinn Aska
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Shinn Aska

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 12:48 pm

When Shinn woke up he didnt recognise his surroundings and was instently wary even though his entire body ached and hurt he was standing with his guard up and thats when he noticed he was in a house and then he saw agirl walk in the room and he drew a kuni and pointed it at her "dont move.. aghhhhh" shin dropped the kuni and clutched his shoulder and dropped to his knees the girl ran up to him and lifted off what remained of his shirt wich was really just some ragged rags and she examined his shoulder her hand glowed and the pain was gone but he also couldnt use his arm but that was ok because he wasnt in pain he then looked into the girls eyes tehy were beautiful dark green eyes but they were still bright in a way like he was looking into a lush forest Shinn couldnt help but stare into them he stared for what felt like minuets but was actually a few seconds untill the girl looked away and blushed "hey thank u for the help " shinn said as he started to blush himself she looked at him "its ok you saved me and my little sisters life we are in your debt " now Shinn was really embarresed "no really it wasnt that big of a deall i mean its not like i was able to win or take it out or anything so please tell me if there is any thing i can do to help out around here" Shinn said completly forgetting why he was here
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 07, 2010 11:00 am

Darkness, he was drifting in a sea of darkness. It surrounded him, embraced him, consumed him. It flowed above, below, around, and through him. He did not exist. He was but a memory, he was nothing, an idea, a fleeting glimpse of reality. Senko sank further into his internal abyss, he felt nothing, saw thing, except... what was this? Dampness? Moisture, cold, so cold, running down his face.... all over his body. Senko's eyes opened to see a world of blurry dark blue and gray, and as his optics became desensitized to the world, he made out the vague and swift moving images of rain drops. "Oi, my own cloud of self pity." His voice trailed off as began on the task of getting his body moving. Everything felt stiff, he felt drained, exhausted, both mentally and physically, which meant he needed to get up. If he were to be attacked now there was no way he'd be able to defend himself. Forcing motion from his limbs, Senko brought himself to a wobbly stand, his figure swaying as his gaze shifted along the field.

"Nothing huh?" Disappointment was flung from his vocals. He'd half expected to see someone from his team... maybe they had been eaten by the bear? It was a sad thought, one which he didn't dwell on too much. He had just meet them so their lives didn't hold too much emotional value to him, but he also doubted they were dead. They had shown an exceptional level of competence in detaining the previous beast.

His left leg bent as he pushed himself from the ground and too the air, his form gliding back as he landed with his right leg on to the bough of a might try. His pupils coming to fall upon the crater he'd formed in the ground. The darkness no longer lingered in it, yet there was a clear sign of the attack that made it, for frost lined the whole of the hole. "I'll probably never get an opportunity like that again.... and even if I did, I'm not sure I should even try to capitalize on it." His thoughts drifted to the short lived fight.... and how amazing he'd felt during those final moments. "Shit.... where is my knife?" His thoughts turning back to the slain man.
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Shinn Aska
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Shinn Aska

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 08, 2010 12:01 pm

As Shinn helped with chores around the girls house even though she told him not to he then remembered why he was here "what happened to the bear ? where is Idaku and Senko and Taku Sensei" he asked her quickly which got him all tense which reopened his wounds "Ohh"
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 08, 2010 1:27 pm

The clone found itself wandering through the village. Sometime after the battle Senko had left to recover, leaving the clone to roam about searching for his comrades. His gaze shifted from one side to another. "Taku Sensei, Idaku, Shinn? Where are you guys?"
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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 6:59 pm

Idaku woke up and looked around the forest, he felt the cracked ribs in his side lurch and groaned. he focused his chakra and made a brace out of metal and wrapped it around his stomach. it was a weak metal but that was as much as he could muster, the poresence of the demon had draiend his chakra, strange. he walked in the forest for hours searching for his comrades and finlly heard Senko's voice call out his name. he rushed ot the source and found him, "Senko!" he called out from a distance not wanting to startle him, a shinobi alone in the woods means a shinobi always on guard ready to strike.
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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 7:22 pm

Tay was entering the house when she noticed that she recognised one of the shinobis in the room she also saw that he was on the ground in pain and she rushed over to him "SHIIIINN ARE YOU OK" She said loudly to him please get up she pulled out a little thing of medicine and rubbed it on his shoulder wound "this should help its special medicine " after that she stood up and realized she was in the presence of a jonin and she stood at attention and then imediatly explained why she was here "sorry sensei i am here to check in on you guys so the higher ups know wats going on sir"
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PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 7:29 pm

Taku smiled at the Young genin and noticed the police arm band on her left arm, "it's alright two of our members are lost in the woods, their chakra signatures have gone so low i cannot detect them since im not a senseor type. but i know they are alive, i was checking on my other student and i was about to leave, would you like to join me?" he said with a smile
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boarder patrol - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: boarder patrol   boarder patrol - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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