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 Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni

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Onimaru Kido

Onimaru Kido

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Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 17, 2010 12:33 am

Onimaru thought it odd that three nin were foolish enough to fight a battle in which they were outnumbered, and odder still that they seemed to have time to converse during a lull in the fighting. Odder still that they seemed to be sitting still with such blatant use of jutsu leaving a tangible feeling of chakra in the air, why the atmosphere seemed positively charged with it. No matter, this was not Onimaru's fight, he was simply passing by on his way to see the Mizukage. His father had dispatched him on an errand to get a feel of the general emotions of the Kage and his village in these uncertain times.

Onimaru had been tasked with discovering the intentions of the collective villages as a whole, and reminding them of both the necessity and the threat of the Ash Village. His identifying plate of his village shone dully, the fire blackened silver of what had once been the headband of a shinobi of the Village Hidden in the Flames still showed the etches of a faintly outlined flame against a circular backdrop, the plate itself was bolted onto the outside of his scabbard, resting just underneath the fire blackened hilt of his blade, Shoukin. Despite his better judgment, Onimaru found himself oddly curious of what the people he was so casually observing were saying, so quietly, cautiously, he worked his way closer to the group of nin. A little eavesdropping never hurt anyone, after all.

Behind his form, a thin silver scarf flapped mournfully in the wind. The gods were about to toss the dice. As Onimaru closed in, his lips parted in a smile.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 3:44 pm

Senko's eyes met Rin's as he shook his head. It took him a few seconds to formulate an appropriate response, one which was coy and would not produce any harsh emotions.

"I'd rather you never forgive me than have the knowledge that you perished trying to accomplish something, in vane."

What Senko did not want to admit to her is that if she had refused he offer, he probably would have tried to kill her then and there. Probably anyway. It was hard to say, in his current state he'd have to expend far more effort and energy than he'd of liked to. He may of needed to even show off a few secret techniques, something he definitely would rather hold on to for later. Of course there were alternative motives for him as well, Rin was a powerful asset, much like Amaya, if he could make her feel indebted to him, if he could help her with her ultimate goal so that she'd place great loyalty in him, he would have her assistance later in life.

Now it seemed the other shinobi in the area was extremely confused. He must have either been extremely drunk, or was simply drug out of his mind and hallucinating. For whatever reason he was under the impression that Rin and Senko were chit chatting while engaging in combat against numerous other nin's. While not only moments ago had they been fighting for their life, the fighting had in fact ended. BUT for whatever reason this other was delusioned, held no weight on Senko or Rin. In fact Senko was completely oblivious to the others existence. Maybe it was because he was tired, or maybe it was because he was a bad shinobi, or maybe the other was simply too meek to give off the presence of power and authority, there was no telling.

"So what the hell are we going to do about her?" Senko's form shifted a little as he moved his right hand up pointing at Amaya. "I mean I guess I could carry her but its going to slow us down... and we can't really just leave her here. Maybe we could jump start her with the Kyuubi's chakra?"
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 3:55 pm

Rin said nothing to Senko's comment, only opened her jaw once or twice as if to speak, but wisely snapped it shut. However, as she shifted Amaya back to the ground, she considered Senko's question. Having drawn from the Kyuubi, Rin knew how it's chakra worked, as a med-nin, she could easily channel that chakra into Amaya. And the Kyuubi was not about to run out of chakra any time soon, Rin had used it when she had been exhausted, and drawn a substantial amount. Even at that, she was still sore, and carrying Amaya might have proven deadly if they were to find themselves in another skirmish.

Violet hues closed, as if weighing this option before tugging the jar with the Kyuubi in it over towards Amaya. She noticed no other presence, but then, sensing was not Rin's greatest ability...and she had far more pressing matters than a rogue nin. They were still in the land of Sound, afterall, and it was likely that they had left a nin behind to ensure that the trio had left, so chalking it up to that, Rin placed a hand on the Kyuubi jar, and one on Amaya's chest. It was not a lewd action, more of an action of convenience, for the heart was where most chakra seemed to radiate, if she could slowly but surely filter in the chakra after converting it, it was likely that Amaya would gain much faster.

Another problem was that Rin didn't know Amaya's chakra type, and that would thus make this difficult, but a gentle probing confirmed the knowledge that she needed, before she began. But even before that, her hands moved from both the Kyuubi jar and Amaya, to dig into her pouch as she offered a little pill to Senko. "Take this." It was more an order, than a request, and Rin didn't wait to see if he took the Soldier pill or not.

Her hands fell once more to Amaya and the Kyuubi jar, as she slowly began to filter out the chakra of the kyuubi, converting it to her own, and then converting it into the same chakra pattern and signal that Amaya's was. It wasn't an overly long process, but it was more time consuming than if Rin were to just pull it into herself and then force it into Amaya. If it weren't for the fact that she had no desire to send Amaya's body into shock (They needed her able to walk, afterall) she might have taken that approach.

As she worked, Rin idly wondered at Senko's comment, and his desire to have her return to the village. He had not been with them long, were his loyalties to the village already so great? How deep did that loyalty go? Was there something there she wasn't seeing? Violet optics glanced briefly to the male's form in question.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 4:40 pm

Senko took the pill and looked at it. His mind wandering a bit moving through his past before hitting a brick wall of blankness. He wanted to take the pill, he trusted Rin enough, yet something wouldn't let him. There was some kind of subconscious force acting on him, preventing him from taking it. The brick wall shook.... and then a piece of it fell. Through this newly formed hole Senko could see a young and powerful shinobi fighting. He fought hard, he fought fast, and ever so often he popped something in his mouth. His chakra would flare up for a little bit and then fall later. This cycled repeated itself several times before finally he fell over, seemingly unconscious or dead.

"I'll keep it for later, I think I'm good for now." A smile was given to Rin as he slid the pill into his pocket. His hand remaining in it for several seconds as he watched Rin siphon chakra and transferred it. For something that Rin had originally considered to be damn near impossible to do, she was doing it rather quickly and efficiently. It had only been a few days ago that she had first started attempting to utilize chakra that she had siphoned off, and now she was a pro at it. She was a prodigy in her own right. Senko gave Rin a soft smile, "Seems you've mastered that pretty fast."
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 4:58 pm

Watching Senko's inner dilemna, Rin rose a brow. When he pocketted the pill, she said nothing, merely instead choosing to nod. She continued to focus on the task at hand, but Amaya was so drained, it would take a great deal of time before she could get enough in the woman. Sighing softly, she pondered cutting the connection and just carrying the other woman anyway. When Senko commented on her skill, she offered a light smile.

"I've been taking from the Kyuubi for the last two or three days. The chakra of a tailed beast is completely different from our own. And because of you helping me when I first started, control of it was a lot easier. It took me quite a few tries to get the Kyuubi's chakra right, but. Once you know the equations of it, it's really easy. I think you could do it too, Senko." She nodded to this, and then glanced down at Amaya. "This may take longer than we have, though...Do we wanna press our luck by hanging out? We could go back the way that I came in from, it's over some mountains though..." She hesitantly bit her lip. "May not be a good idea. Some Konoha nin, well..only ever found one of them, were following."
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 5:23 pm

"Well that puts us in a bad spot then? We can't stay here, we can't go back the way we came, and we can't head the way you came. Because out of all of those options, all of them leads to a fight." Senko's left hand rose as he rotated his hand causing his wrist to crack. The limb then moving forward as his elbow and shoulder blade released a loud crack. He was feeling pretty good now, but was he feeling good enough to engage numerous ninja?

"AH!, I've got any idea." Senko's left hand dragging across the palm of his right as his finger nails dug in causing the skin to rip. His hands then moved together in a series of seals before he slammed his hands on the ground. Immediately the summoning seal spread out like oil across water, and a sudden explosion of smoke would cause Rin, Amaya, and Senko's forms to temporarily be concealed. As the smoke cleared though, Rin would be able to note that while here and Amaya were there, Senko was missing and there did not appear to be any summoning present.


As the smoke cleared Senko found himself standing inside a giant nest, on top of a massive ass mountain. "What the fuck?"
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 5:37 pm

When Senko stated that he had an idea, Rin rose a dubious brow and stared at him as he began to perform the summoning. ...She watched the seal spread out, and when they were covered by the smoke she coughed a few times, waving it away from Amaya's face so that the woman wouldn't choke on the smoke. However, when it had finally cleared, ...there was a lack of a body that had been there. Senko was gone. Great. Just...awesome.

Rin sighed heavily. "Good idea, Senko." A gentle snort was given, and she eyed the jar and Amaya. She ...could carry both, it'd be slow, but she could do it. She slung Amaya onto her back once more, and then held the Kyuubi jar, essentially dragging it next to her as much as she could. This made movement almost unbearably slow, but manageable. Until they got out of Sound, in any case. Should they try to look for Senko, though? The white haired girl pondered this as she moved. No. Well, yes. But first, they'd have to get out of Sound's borders, and then attempt to look for Senko.

But where in the world could he have gone? She couldn't feel his chakra signature anywhere, aside from where the summoning attempt had been made. Frowning softly as she continued forward, Rin bit her lip in nervous habit. Had the summoning gone wrong? Normally people didn't disappear when they did summonings, and she'd never heard of a -person- being able to be summoned before. But then, summonings, sealings, those weren't an area she was overly familiar with...something she'd likely remedy once they returned to the village. You know, Provided she wasn't killed for attempting to defect, or something like that.
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Amaya Kiyome

Amaya Kiyome

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PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 6:11 pm

As the ominous charka, though apparently converted into a more rejuvenating substance under Rin’s delicate control, entered Amaya’s body, her face seemed to contort into an even more unpleasant expression—the charka doing little to satisfy her haunting dreams. Perhaps her body naturally resisted the charka or perhaps she was really that drained of energy, but it wasn’t until Amaya’s body was shifted onto Rin’s back that her heartbeat kicked up a tenfold within her chest.

The last thing Amaya remembered was water crashing down towards them. Immediately Amaya’s eyes shot opened in a shocked matter. Seeing nothing but the white tresses, and feeling the horrible charka within her vicinity. It was almost an instinctive response for Amaya to flail, her palms slamming into the back of the woman’s neck with perhaps enough force to back push Amaya form her and the woman onto the ground. As Amaya’s feet touched the ground, a heaviness took her and she lowered to her rear, breathing heavily. After a few breaths and quick glances around, more of her memory returned. She remembered fighting the urge to lose consciousness for the sake of not drowning everyone, but lost that battle, her mind panicking before darkness took her. Then a sound ninja…perhaps that was a dream though? She was alive though...and...


So was Rin. Everyone seemed alright at first, but as Amaya observed the area more...

“Where’s Senko?”

Amaya glanced quickly back and forth, his absence immediately making her panic again. Instantly, but wobbly going into a stand, Amaya paced around the general area for any sign of Senko before turning to Rin again. Had Senko not survived the water? No he was stronger than that. But then why couldn't she feel his presence? Where the hell was he? He wouldn't abandon Amaya and Rin, not the Senko she knew. Rising a hand to her hand and gripping the blue strands tightly in frustration, Amaya had to inhale a few more times before she noticed her flute laying on the ground. The sight of the Maboroshi Yokobue seemed to pacify her slightly as she moved to grasp it, gradually turning to Rin afterward.

“Rin, where is Senko? Is he okay?”

Her voice trembled as she attempted to keep herself from sounded the way her body felt. Extremely scared.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 6:35 pm

Senko strolled around the nest looking around, trying to figure out what the hell happened. He had reverse summoned himself. HOW IN THE HELL DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN!?! His mind screamed as he tried to figure out what he did wrong. Moments later Senko's attention was drawn by a caw. His form shifted as he looked over to the source of the sound, a small raven hopped towards him.

The birds head canted to the side before its mouth opened and to Senko's surprise words popped out. He'd summoned Raven's before but they had never spoke to him. "Hi Senko. You seem a little confused. Your prior summoning contract has.... uh expired. That's the best way I can word it. Your original contract was drawn up with Yasha, the blood you used to sign it held traces of demonic essence in it. Since you've purged yourself and you killed Yasha, the contract is no longer valid and can't be amended. Plus with your lose of multiple chakra types you really can't use it anymore. BUT! Here you are now, so you can strike on up with us, the Raven's. We like you, and really we are similar."

Senko stood there dumbfounded for a moment before nodding. "Alright, whatever, that's cool. I was trying to summon you guys anyway. Need a ride back home. Where do I sign?"

Immediately several more Raven's burst from senko's shadow, their talons parting from one another as they dropped a scroll in front of him. Immediately the scroll rolled open. Senko's eyes moving over it, he recognized it some what. It was very similar to the one Yasha had presented. Senko looked at his blooded hand and then placed on it on the scroll. His head then shifting to the raven's as his form suddenly vanished again.

A cough would seep from his mouth as he his gaze shifted around finding that he was now back where he started.... but Rin and Amaya were not there.

"What the fuck?"
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 6:38 pm

When the woman's heartbeat kicked, Rin noticed it immediately, and ceased her movement. That didn't stop her from nearly facefaulting when Amaya hit her, however, and she caught herself with a knee and hand to keep from hitting the ground completely. A growl managed to escape her throat, anger bubbling just beneath the surface. But, she was a med-nin, and she swallowed that anger, knowing full well that it was likely that Amaya was panicking. Not knowing how much the woman remembered, or her last vision before passing out...well, it could have been a number of things. Instead, Rin gingerly stood, turning to watch Amaya's actions as she moved around in an agitated manner.

The Med-nin couldn't blame her, she was agitated as well, though their reasonings might have been a bit different. Rin didn't panic, she didn't have the emotional connection to Senko that Amaya probably did, however. Nope, Rin tried not to form those, they caused complications in the long run. That didn't mean she wasn't worried for Senko, if nothing more than the fact that he'd proven useful to her already, and likely would in the future as well.

When Amaya questioned her, Rin contemplated on what to tell the woman, but she allowed violet hues to draw to a close briefly, before sighing. "Senko attempted a summoning technique, and disappeared. I do not know where he is." She stated levelly, setting her gaze on Amaya. "But I do know this, we need to get out of Oto, those nin are not going to just let us continue to be here, afterall, as such they stated. We need to get out of Oto borders, and formulate a plan to find Senko."

Rin honestly hoped the male was okay, possibly evidence by the gentle clenching of her left fist as it curled into her Yukata for a brief moment, before releasing it's hold. She and Amaya were capable Kunoichi, and neither of them were stupid. While Amaya may have the fault of her temper, Rin wasn't without her own faults. But if they decided to work together....there was no doubt in Rin's mind that they could accomplish at least that goal.

Now, the two hadn't managed to move far, afterall, moving with both Amaya on her back, AND the Kyuubi Jar, the med-nin hadn't been able to move very fast at all, they hadn't even made it a mile, maybe half a mile, and that was really being optimistic. However, when the sudden flare of chakra came back to the point, Rin immediately straightened, gaze moving in that direction. It was a good thing Senko's chakra was so ...unique.

"Can you walk?" She questioned Amaya, before sighing, and she just pulled the other woman's arm over her shoulder, and began walking back in the direction that they came, still dragging the jar.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 6:48 pm

Senko's hands shifted as he ran them through his hair trying to figure out what the hell was going on. How long had he been gone? Had Rin just been impatient, was she attacked? His head shook a little as he noticed several black fathers cascading around him. His eyes shifting up as he found his optics focusing on a black mass darting down at him. His arms quickly moved up in a defensive position, but even before he could finish moving them to block the object vanished into his shadow.

"Jeez.... this day is just.... fucking stressful man." His gaze moved around before stopping on disturbed soil. He moved forward a little to get a better look at it. The trail very well could of been made by the dragging jar. Opting to following Senko shifted forward making his way along the path that he believed to have been generated by the female.
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Amaya Kiyome

Amaya Kiyome

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Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 7:07 pm

Upon Rin’s words, Amaya immediately placated and she sighed in relief before noticing a gradual red mark flourishing on the back of Rin’s body. Feeling sheepishly, Amaya gave her an apologetic wave of her hand.

“Sorry about that, you caught me off guard. How long have I been out?”

Rin had brought something else to her attention though. The Oto nin were not a dream, they were actually there. Amaya bit her bottom lip at this information. Perhaps they were alive because of her in that instance, but that also disturbed her. Sound was a merciless village, they weren't the types to let stray nin let run free in their territory.

"Rin why did the Oto-" she paused and blinked slightly at Rin reaching to help her walk, in a display of pride she stepped back, wobbling slightly but nonetheless maintaining her stance.

Shaking her head and offered her a grin.

“I’ll be fine. Let’s find that prick. He keeps trying to be hero and ends of throwing himself into a muddle as always.”

Amaya placed her flute into her hip and allowed Rin to lead to her back to where Senko’s charka was leaking from.

"As I was saying...do you know why the Oto didn't kill us?"
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 7:13 pm

"Not very long." Was all Rin said to Amaya, and she ignored the slight burn of where the woman's hands had been. The skin pricked, and the red flourish would likely fade sooner, but that didn't make it sting any less. With a heavy sigh, Rin watched as Amaya stubbornly stepped back. Oh well. ...Part of her had been expecting such a reaction, so she put up her hands and moved to pull the Kyuubi Jar back onto her back, wincing a bit as it reseated, before shuffling forward.

Why didn't the Oto-nin kill them? Realistically, even with their assistance with the Kaminari nin, the Oto-nin's and village were notorious for being over protective of their borders. They should have been slaughtered right then and there? And yet they weren't.

"They said that it was for assisting them with taking out the electric-nin. They offered us safe passage, but if we wait too long, they'll be back and revoke that offer." Rin offered the information to Amaya, and shuffled back along the path that they'd taken out. A figure was on it's way towards them. Rin narrowed optics for a moment, before sighing at the sight of Senko. It was a relief, but...idly she wondered where he'd gone. Oh well, no time to really dwell, right. Violet optics scanned around them for a brief moment. "We all here? Awesome. We should go."
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 7:22 pm

Senko's right arm shifted up as he waved to the two females. It seemed his hunch was right. With just a bit of acceleration his form would vanish, reappearing between the two. His gaze shifting over to Rin as he tilted his head and smiled. "Jeez, evidently I some how voided out my previous summoning contract. So evidently I needed to sign a new one. Anyway lets get the fuck outta here."

Senko's hands fell to his sides as he shifted them into his pockets his shoulders rolling as he stretched out a little bit. Before he could do anything else an eruption of black feathers would erupt from his shadow. His gaze followed the object only to see it settle upon a bough not to far from them. It was a raven, a giant ass massive raven. It had to easily be thirty feet in length. "Uh.... I guess that's our ride." The bird leapt from the tree landing next to Rin, its head pushing into her side, lightly brushing against her. It's darkened eyes staying focused on the jar.
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Amaya Kiyome

Amaya Kiyome

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PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 7:35 pm

Amaya closed her eyes and sighed again, banishing the worries from her mind. Ever since she went on this mission, her mind had been stressing about the Oto nin. Right now, she just wanted to focus on going hom and having an isolated moment to gather her thoughts before finally come to a decision without all this interference. Perhaps see Aorio again and pester him, she missed living easy like that. Then her eyes widened, but not because of the massive raven lifting from Senko’s shadow [just another Senko trick, she was getting used to them]. Instead her eyes turned to Rin before she spoke.

“Rin, where is Aorio? Wasn’t he with you?”

Amaya took a few steps closer to the girl, eyes narrowing slightly. She had apparently captured the nine tails, but with that being said, why was she here alone? Why was she there in the first place? Amaya didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but if something happened to Aorio… Her eyes only narrowed more as she awaited the answer.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 7:45 pm

"Good job." Was all Rin said to Senko, but her thoughts or any other words she might have said were immediately closed off by the raven that nudged at her side. She flailed comically at the bird, taking a few quick steps back. The Med-nin was not okay with the proximity of the bird, which might have been surprising to some, but nope. It was probably the eyes...birds eyes seemed so...either lifeless, or predatory, and it bothered her. A lot. "Uh, Senko.." She motioned to the bird.

However, Amaya's question caught Rin's ears, and she noted the offensive stance that the woman had taken. Well...she'd have to explain that one. Again. Awesome. "That is correct, Amaya. Aoiro WAS with me." She chewed her tongue, eyeing the woman for a moment. "As far as I know, he should be back at the village. He and the other I was with were safe when I left." And she left it at that, Amaya, in her opinion, didn't need to know the entirety of the story. But there was truth in her words. Aoiro had been safe AND alive when she'd left.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2010 6:10 am

Senko sighed as Amaya began to fire up, maybe they should have left her unconscious. Slowly Senko moved forward and over to Amaya, stepping between her and Rin, his right hand moving to fall on her shoulder.

"Hime, whatever fear you have for Aoiro's safety, set it aside. We both know he's strong, probably stronger than me. So the likely hood of any harm coming to him is negligible. If Rin says that he is safe, then I for one believe her. The circumstances of her being here are definitely questionable. I know, I've already been through this with her. But trust me when I say we simply do not have the time for this. Rin has informed me that she ran into a leaf nin not too long ago. We obviously have sound nin to worry about, and unless you want someone trying to shock the shit out of you again, I suggest we go."

Regardless of Amaya's reaction Senko would keep himself positioned between the two, at least until they decided to get onto the raven. "Now as far as I'm concerned flying is the best option. We will be able to fly over the ocean which will reduce the distance we have to travel, plus flying is faster. Further more we will be less likely to run into other shinobi in the air over the sea. So if you two would stop looking at each other like you're about to make out, we can get the hell out of her and I can go get some food."
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Amaya Kiyome

Amaya Kiyome

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Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2010 10:02 am

Even as Senko stepped between them, Amaya kept her eyes on Rin—there wasn’t enough detail in the answer to satisfy her when she knew that not only were two-man squads not supposed to typically split on missions, but that after success were supposed to return to the village—much like she and Senko. There was something secretive going on under those words and while Amaya usually didn’t give a shit about other people’s skeletons, this particular one involved Aoiro. Her hand twitched and hovered near her flute as the thought came to place this girl so far into a genjutsu that they'd know every little secret down to Rin's first crush by the time she was through with her.

It wasn’t until a few moments after Senko finished his words that Amaya shifted her eyes towards him, the glinting irritation in those emeralds only deepening. As much as she had grown to like Senko, this didn’t stop her from being highly annoyed by his defense and dismissal of Rin's suspicion. What did he have to gain by protecting her when his supposedly good friend could have been betrayed? Even the strongest shinobi could die by the hands of a traitor. However, he did have a point in that she needed to return home. Scoffing, she slapped his hand from her shoulder and turned towards the raven.


Placing her hand on its ebony feathers and stroking it lightly to clarify its comfort in her being near it, Amaya was soon on the raven at its rear end, crossing her arms and facing away from the rest of them. She just wanted this day to be over.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2010 12:33 pm

When Senko stepped between herself and Amaya, there was a hint of surprise on her visage at this. Perhaps Rin had overestimated the connection between Amaya and Senko? Or perhaps she had underestimated Senko's ...loyalties? She wasn't sure. Whatever it was, it was surprising, and Rin shifted a bit. This loyalty...was something foreign to her, this...friendship, if she dared call it that. No, the only connections that should be made for a shinobi were those of convenience. That was how it should be. People were resources, and should have been used accordingly.

Despite that, Rin eyed the Raven warily. She was not a fan of birds, she really wasn't. Especially Ravens, they reminded her of torn battlefields, and the marking of death. Neither of which excited her. When Senko mentioned food, Rin paused to dig around in her pack for a moment. When she'd left to gain the Kyuubi she'd packed four lunches, and she'd already given one to Aoiro before they parted. Granted, it was nothing special, but it would sustain Senko's stomach for the time being...though perhaps he shouldn't eat while flying? Rin pondered that for a moment, before offering him the lunch anyway, and offering one to Amaya. If the woman didn't take it, it would have been put back into her pack as she climbed onto the raven, nearly shaking as she did so.

Heights were not okay.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2010 5:07 pm

Senko sighed climbed onto the Raven after Rin. Hostility was not required, obviously there were many unanswered questions right now, but since they were unanswered it seemed foolish to act. IF in the event that they returned to the village and Aoiro was not okay, then Rin could be dealt with accordingly. His hands shifted as he moved through the lunch eyeing some rice balls. Senko had no desire to burn bridges with anyone right now, but if he had to he would. It seemed unfortunate that the bridge that was in the process of being burnt was with Amaya, especially since they had began to understand one another. Hopefully though the damage was purely superficial.

Removing a rice ball he nibbled on it slowly, his mind far away from them. The raven had already begun to flap its wings and was now twenty feet up, and still rising. It wouldn't be until it was well over 100 feet that horizontal motion would be gained, and at that point it'd only take a few minutes for them to be over the ocean heading home.

"Amaya, trust me, I understand your concerns, but none of us are in any shape to fighting amongst one another right now."
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Amaya Kiyome

Amaya Kiyome

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PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 12:40 am

“I rather starve.”

If looks could kill, Amaya offered Rin a pure glare of venom when she offered her the lunch pack. She honestly wouldn’t have been surprised if that’s exactly what lurked within the food. Amaya even opened her mouth to rudely protest Senko devouring the food.

“I for one believe her”

Amaya growled out loud and closed her mouth again, merely staring out into the skies, gripping the feathers of the raven as it took off. Her easily ignited anger causing her arms to tremble slightly. She didn’t bother to look at Senko when he spoke to her, though she responded accordingly.

“Since when did exhaustion stop you from destroying enemies?”

She emphasized the last word to announce her clear distrust of the woman. Senko had fought himself to complete exhaustion where Amaya was forced to care for him for over two days; she knew if Senko wished subdue Rin, he wouldn’t let his low energy stop him. Whatever relationship the two had created with each other made Senko consider otherwise and it pissed Amaya off. A lot. It was definitely best Amaya at this point did not know about Rin's secret betrayal or else she would have tried to give the girl a good Spartan kick to the chest and off the raven. If she didn’t favor Senko, she might have tried it anyways.

Then again maybe Amaya was the more impulsive one when it came to fighting—she was the one that needed saving all the time due to over exhausting her energy. She sighed deeply at the thought, keeping her back to the others. Even if Senko decided to defend himself, Amaya saw no point in continuing a conversation that would only give her more incentive to act like a bitch.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 23, 2010 12:49 pm

Amaya's distrust didn't really bother the med-nin. For one, she didn't particularly know Amaya that well, or well enough to care. And for two, Rin was fairly certain that if she so desired, she could disable the other woman. Perhaps. In the current state of things, however, she had no particular desire to test that theory. But as it was, her goal was not to convert Amaya, nor even really involved Amaya at all. Amaya's emotional response to the situation only hade Rin raise a brow, she almost felt the urge to make a response, but instead settled with a snort.

Perhaps the only thing that pricked her nerves that Amaya had stated, was that clearly Rin was an enemy. For one, Rin had never -attacked- another Kirigakure Nin, and nor had she attempted to harm either Amaya OR Senko for that matter. When she had left, she would have gained nothing from harming Aoiro - Especially considering that he was of interest to her. No matter, she knew her presence was driving a wedge between Senko and Amaya, and it was at least amusing to watch.

And far more easy to concentrate on than their height, even as they travelled quickly, the whole height factor was still a problem with the med-nin. And inwardly she hoped that Aoiro HAD made it back to the village, she didn't see any reason as to why he wouldn't have. Aoiro was stronger than her, nothing much should have been able to stop him from getting back. She only hoped for his safety of course, so that she wouldn't have to deal with Senko and Amaya later.
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Senko Ryu Kamori
Senko Ryu Kamori

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Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 8:44 am

"Amaya, you are criticizing me for the same ability that you complimented me on earlier. My ability to analyze a complex situation so easily, as you put it. We cannot prove that Rin is an enemy.For all we know, maybe Rin and Aoiro got in an argument, maybe Aoiro wanted to return to the village and Rin wanted to make sure we didn't need help. Since Aoiro wouldn't assist her she took the Kyuubi with her to help increase her strength so that she could safely retrieve us." Senko then turned to look at Rin, his bow furrowing a little.

"Of course we know that this didn't happen, but the point is, we can't prove that Aoiro is hurt." Senko's words flowed out effortlessly as he then turned to look at Amaya. "You aren't upset she is here, you aren't upset that maybe she was going to steal the kyuubi and abandon the village, you aren't upset that maybe she would sell all of the village secrets to Oto. YOU are upset because you don't know what the condition of Aoiro is. That is an unacceptable reason to act. HAD it been anything else that came out of your mouth I would probably hold more merit to your words Hime. You are currently blinded by emotions that you don't even understand, and that prevents you from making sound choices. Your judgment is clouded, so please accept the fact that things will be dealt with once we are able to grasp the whole picture."

It was true that Senko would normally let himself go to the point of near deadly exhaustion to destroy someone or something, but there were far more things to consider than a single nin. Aoiro was a great friend, Amaya had become a good friend, and Rin had proven to have the potential to be an outstanding friend, she had been the first to show him any true amount of kindness. This act on her part had caused Senko to develop an emotional attachment to Rin, one that would probably serve her well. Of course this wasn't to say that if push came to shove Senko would be unable to destroy her, he simply did not desire to.
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Amaya Kiyome

Amaya Kiyome

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Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 25, 2010 10:48 am

Amaya hunched her shoulders at Senko’s word, refusing to glance at him and only glaring at the passing clouds. Her cheeks gradually turned redder the more his words progressed and she was cherry faced from both embarrassment and anger by the time Senko had finished lecturing her. Amaya knew he was probably right, but wasn't going to let HIM know that. While her words may have been extreme, she didn’t really think Rin to be some type of mortal enemy against them—she simply didn’t like nor trust Rin and wanted to make it clear. Though it only turned out to irritate her more when Senko once again defended her. She wasn’t exactly sure why Senko standing by Rin’s side on this matter irritated her so much. Perhaps she was jealous and insulted—but then again...she was just an irritable person in general.

Sighing heavily, Amaya remained silent, her loud scoffing the only indication that she was listening to Senko in the first place—unless he saw her face of course. Curling her knees up, rather comfortable with the elegant flight of the raven, Amaya buried her face within her knees, embracing her legs and simply remaining there without another word.

She let her thoughts drift back towards what she was going to do when she returned to the village. She didn’t wish to think about Shindo, but thinking about Aoiro strangely caused a deeper stress within her heart. Really, she was being rather hypocritical of Rin...she was thinking about betraying the Mist as well and had the nerve to accuse Rin of such treachery? Her shoulder shuddered as Amaya began to laugh hysterically at the thought—she really was an irrational witch to strangers. Amaya sighed as her laughter died and she lifted her head to rest her chin against her knees instead, watching the Sun as it began to set across the ocean horizon in a beautiful amber hue. Despite the circumstances, the thought managed to cheer her up.
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Rin Suzume

Rin Suzume

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Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni   Oto no Kuni/Ta no Kuni - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 8:07 pm

This all might have amused Rin, and what she heard of it did - If it weren't for the fact that they were so freaking HIGH! The med-nin was hunkered firmly against the Raven, as if determined not to release her form from it's own in fear of falling. She had little thought for Amaya - The woman, aside from her talent, had little interest to the opaque tressed woman. That was, unless Amaya proved herself to be a far more potential ally, but that was looking very slim at the moment.

Daring to raise somewhat, she pulled the Kyuubi Jar around and into her lap, essentially, resting her head against it. She could feel the dark tendrils of it's chakra slide over her like a wave of familiarity - And oddly, it comforted the female. She grasped to that feel of it sliding against her flesh, and her fingers curled a bit deeper into the jar. If only she had a sealing technique...A heavy sigh escaped her throat.

"Senko, are we almost there?" She dared to glance at him, before grimacing.
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